Status: Active :D

Black Hearts of Chrome and Battle Scars

Stage Time

Sometimes I wish that I had a twin or a slave, whichever. Either way, I wish I had an extra pair of hands right now. So far I’ve managed to get 7 of the 8 bands that are on tonight completely ready. But the headlining band, Black Veil Brides, lead singer, just happens to be taking his sweet time, and now I can’t fucking find him.

“ANDY! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?” I screamed at the top of my lungs, while running down the dressing room corridor, opening every door. About half way down the corridor, I stopped, completely out of breath, side effect of cigarettes and running around an entire building. Swiping the hair out of my hair, I froze, hearing a low chuckle come from the room behind me.

“Andy?.....Hello?” I said, creeping in through the door, turning the lights on. Have you ever seen a 6ft4 man, hiding behind a dressing table. I have.

“Andy, you fucking tosser, get your arse out here, NOW!” I hissed, dragging him out by the scruff of his neck. I grew up with 4 boys, I had more strength than most thought I would have.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!”

“Don’t you fucking OW me, or I’ll give you something to fucking OW for! You better be fucking ready, you’re on in 5!” I hissed, while Andy glared at me, while looking a little sorry for himself. I continued to drag him all the way back to the stage, before throwing him at the rest of his band mates. Luckily one of them caught him, before they all stared shocked at me.

“I will make your life a living hell if you do that again, now get on the fucking stage!” I growled, before storming off to set the ‘little’ party up that all the bands and crew were having after the show. It was still raining, but they’d have to get over it, it was only water.
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Extremely short, but don't worry it will get longer and better, promise :P

Ok a little note, Sockii/Paula has suffered a loss recently, and so it might take her a while to update our stories, so please be patient, and show her some love, she's in some good need of it right now.

Love you Paula :) we're all here for you xx