Status: Active :D

Black Hearts of Chrome and Battle Scars

Oh Hell No.

I continued to whimper as Shiloh dragged my sorry ass out of the dressing room and down the hallway to the stage. I’m Andy fucking Biersack I’m not supposed to let some chick that’s a whole foot shorter than I am drag me around like this.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!”

“Don’t you fucking OW me, or I’ll give you something to fucking OW for! You better be fucking ready, you’re on in 5!” Shiloh glared at me before tossing me towards the guys, thankfully CC caught me so that I didn’t fall on my ass.

After CC caught me the rest of the guys started at her in shock. So I may have overlooked telling them to stay out of her way. Oops...

“I will make your life a living hell if you do that again, now get on the fucking stage!” Shiloh growled at all of us before storming off.

“Goddamn... I’m officially writing that girl off my To Do list.” Ashley chuckled to himself.

I slapped his arm. Hell no, I won’t stand for him talking about Shiloh like that. Ashley gave me a confused look.

“What the fucks your problem Andy?” my eyes turned to slits.

“Don’t fucking talk about Shiloh like that.” Ash gave me a innocent look.

“Dude don’t get so bitch take a fucking chill pill and calm your damn hormones.”

Oh no. I’m still not in the mood to be on this tour so I am not taking anything Ashley says right now. If him and the rest of my ‘friends’ over there hadn’t dragged me out on this tour then they wouldn’t have to deal with me acting like this. If you really think about it, it’s their own fault for me acting like this.

“Hey, hey, hey. Tom and Jerry calm down. You guys this is a headlining tour. Did you hear that? Headlining. Don’t fuck this up because of some petty fight.” Jake stepped between Ashley and I pushing us apart.

“Yeah, that’s right now calm down and be happy this is supposed to be fun.” Jinxx smiled a little.

“Fine.” sighing I stepped over to the side of the stage watching one of the supporting bands.

A bright piece of yellow paper caught my eye. Again I have ADHD and that can sometimes get me into a whole lot of trouble. I tip toed over to the paper that had been tacked to the wall and like the ninja I can be I ripped it off the wall and started reading the bold print.

After Black Veil Bride’s set there will be a party out back, anyone in the supporting bands or helping with the bands may come a join the fun!

Huh. Party after our set. Sounds like it’s going to be a good night after all.
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That was a really crappy chapter everyone, I'm sorry it was really short too. Ugh I'm sorry.

Thank you to my best friend/co author Jessica and everyone else for the well wishes < 3 I love you all so much < 3 (: