The Vampire and His Pint Sized Romeo

Chapter One

Gerard’s POV

I sat on the dingy sofa that resided in the apartment I shared with Frankie. We’d moved in together after our last tour and we’d became boyfriends! I still got excitable when I knew I could call him mine. I glanced down to see him curled up on my lap, looking so peaceful and innocent. It made me feel guilty to think of how I’d corrupted him what, we both know he’d always take it! but that had been such an amazing night. He sighed in his sleep and shuffled deeper into my lap letting out a cute mew. I wrapped the blanket tighter around him and kissed his forehead before getting up to go and do some work. I sat down at my desk in the corner of the room, keeping an eye on Frankie out the corner of my eye. He was perfect; I couldn’t think how I’d been so scared of the fact he was gay a month or so ago, he was so childlike and cute. I felt truly ashamed of the way I’d acted… I watched the scratched screen of my Acer Aspire buzz and flicker to life, while I tapped my foot on the floor. I couldn’t be bothered to replace my laptop; it would be too much hassle. Frank complained that he could never work my laptop, but I could use it fine. I didn’t get why he was complaining. That was until, while I’d been waiting for it to turn on there was a loud popping noise and smoke started flowing from every socket on my dear Acer. I sighed and shut it, before getting up and walking into the kitchen, not even bothering to attempt to fix it. It was far gone, even I could admit to that.

I checked the little clock on the microwave which read 11:00 so decided to treat my boyfriend to breakfast. I still felt like I needed to make it up to him that I’d been so horrible to him about the fact he was gay. I wasn’t sure about my sexuality, I just knew I loved Frank, and we’d both agreed there was no need to stereotype what I was. I smiled to myself thinking of it and turned on the kettle to make two coffees. Frank had tried to tell me the other day I was trying to apologise for something I hadn’t done but I had done something… I wasn’t the best of cooks so threw in some pop tarts hoping to God the motto ‘it’s the though that counts’ was applied to situations like these. I left them to sort themselves out and started humming out a tune I had stuck in my head. I heard footsteps behind me, and turned around with a gasp just to see a very sleepy looking Frank stood behind me, rubbing his eyes and shrugging on a hoody. I rolled my eyes and hugged him, kissing his nose.

“Why you up so soon?” I asked sarcastically, pointing to the clock. He smirked and flicked me off.

“I smelt smoke.” He replied curtly before padding over to the toaster and pointing and the pop tarts which sure enough were spewing out smoke. How the hell had I done that? I laughed at myself and gave up on making him breakfast, settling for handing him his coffee and sitting down on the sofa with him again, chatting to him like we did most mornings. “Can we do something today?” He asked me, cuddling into my side. I laughed at him and agreed it’d be cool to get out the house for a bit. We decided to go ice skating because Frank had never tried it, which amazed me. I loved ice skating as a kid, even if I’d sucked at it and ended up with many a scar due to my lack of co-ordination. I wandered into our room and opened my chest searching through for decent clothes for the occasion. Frank waddled in, having a face similar to a lost puppies. I could tell he didn’t know what he was meant to wear which made me laugh. I pulled on my hat and favourite scarf ( ) before helping Frank find clothes suitable for ice skating. I swear that boy only ever wore t-shirts. I found him a long shirt, hoody and skinny jeans as well as several pairs of socks. I knew he’d whine if his feet got sore, which as funny as it could be would grow tiresome.

That night I took him out to an ice rink. He was just as bad as me, so we both spent most of our time on the floor in a tangled heap of limbs, laughing like madmen. I swear I saw a little boy skating better than both of us combined which made Frankie sulk. By the end of it we were both freezing and ended up in a tiny coffee store, huddled up on a little sofa trying to warm up with the help of our large coffees. Frank was adorable and shivering, so I gave him the last half off my coffee while I watched him, smiling to myself at how adorable he was; and he was all mine. He turned around every so often to ask why I was staring but I denied it and he went back to his coffee. I swear, if he had to choose between me and the coffee – the coffee would probably win. I drove us back around 10 pm and we cuddled up in bed, both still pretending we were cold to have more reason to hug.

When morning came so did a very strange surprise. Frank woke up around five am and ran into the bathroom to be sick. It woke me up so I spent the next hour rubbing his back and hushing him as he was sick. It made me sad to see Frankie ill so once he was done I bundled him into bed, telling him to rest and it was probably just a bug. I wandered into the kitchen to get him some water, still wondering how he was ill.

Frank’s POV

I should tell him, he deserves to know. However much it confuses me, we’re a couple and we share things like this. I’m scared and he’ll help me… I feel so rotten… He keeps asking if I know why I’m sick and I do but I cant tell him; I’m a freak! How can I tell him I might be pregnant?
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Babys we're back in business!!! :) this is the sequel! :) i have a idea of how to carry this on (will take 5 stories to finish all these if i've worked it out right O_O) so do you like the fluffyness of it? i thought might try something new and romantic and cute.
Its late, i'm tried, night night bitches of my relm ^_^xxxx
Duckie x