The Vampire and His Pint Sized Romeo

Chapter Ten

Gerard’s POV

I stared at my beautiful twin daughters lying on Frank’s chest and it truly felt as if my life were completed. Frank had tears streaming down his cheeks, which I hoped were because he was as happy as I was. Our little girls, Grace and Alexia, were giggling and having their cutest little expressions spread across their face. They were both wrapped in soft pink blankets, ready to be taken home. Frank slowly sat up and held Gracey in his arm as I took Alexia. We walked down to the car out front smiling softly at each other. I don’t think I’d ever felt so content with what I had but I sure did now. In the car we strapped the bundles of joy into the car seats that were unbelievably hard to fasten. Gracey started to whimper as soon as Frank left her side; she was so obviously her… mommy’s? Alexia just giggled and started to try chew on the belt with her little gums.

When we got them home and into their little nursery, Mikey called us to say he was coming to see his nieces. I shoved a jug of coffee on and found a couple of movies. Frank shuffled downstairs in slacks and bunny slippers complaining that he couldn’t sleep. I laughed at him and ruffled his hair before lying down on the sofa and letting him curl up on my lap. I carefully stroked his hair and put on a film. I wasn’t paying attention so when it turned out to be a horror Frankie squealed and hid his face in my chest. I laughed at his adorable nature and let him stay put. Mikey let himself in part way through. He went straight upstairs to meet the twins and came back down with a fidgety Alexia. A bl/ind advert flashed across the screen.
My family was complete…