The Vampire and His Pint Sized Romeo

Chapter Two

Frank's POV

It was about eleven when I woke up again, and I propped myself up on my elbows and glanced around the room. I was so tired… Before I’d even been awake five seconds Gerard was in the room and handing me a cup of coffee. As much as it was a nice gesture it made me feel sick so I placed it down on the cabinet next to my bed. I’d arranged to meet up with Mikey today, so I took a while to convince Gerard I was well enough to leave the house. I slipped into the shower once I’d woken up enough and pulled on some clothes and a beanie. I slipped on my famous skeleton gloves and headed out to the front of the house. Nervously, I got a taxi to Washington Avenue where we were meeting for a coffee. I was going to tell Mikey my news; it was killing me to keep it to myself for much longer. I’d taken a test at the drug store and I knew I was pregnant but god it scared me. I didn’t know how this had happened! Scientists would test on me like a lab rat! I was so, so afraid, so I couldn’t tell Gee, not yet. Mikey might help me though, at least; he wouldn’t call the loony bin. I wasn’t mad, I knew it was true. I didn’t know how but I knew for sure that I was pregnant. I sighed and dug my hands into my pocket as I continued to walk down the street, seeing as my taxi dropped me off at the top, and the café was at the bottom end. Continuing to stalk down in the golden glow of the street lamps, I felt myself panicking about the situation. I continued down the street and came to my favourite café where I was meeting Mikey. I stared up at the vintage looking red board hanging outside and the frosted windows. I pushed open the bright red wooden door, hearing the familiar ring of a bell which I wished I didn’t have to hear. I saw Mikey sat down at our favourite seat; a heavy wooden coffee table surrounded by red armchairs. I sighed and paced over to him, sitting down and ordering a glass of water when a waitress rushed to my side. Mikey eyed me up as if to question that I wasn’t having my usual coffee but I ignored it and buried my face in my hands.

“So you wanted to talk?” Mikey asked, obviously curious to why I’d called him here and dragged him away from Alicia. I did try to contact Ray so we could have some ‘bro on fro’ time as he always called it but he was out with Emma-Lee much to my shock. I think he had a crush on her… I didn’t reply until my glass of cold water was handed to me and I took a sip. I looked up to see his worried face and felt myself tearing up. Damned hormones… I was about to tell him he was about to be an uncle to a baby that shouldn’t even be possible to exist, and he was totally oblivious to the oncoming news. The calm before the storm… I sighed again and sat up, facing him, readying myself to give him the news that could get me locked up.

“Mikey I don’t want you to freak out okay? I’ve been kinda sick since tour ended and I know why but Gerard doesn’t so you can’t tell him. I thought I could tell you because this does kind of involve you and I’m hoping you won’t call the funny farm or scientists or some shit… I dunno… I don’t know how it happened Mikey but I’m pregnant… and no I’m not like half girl or some shit! I don’t know how it’s possible but it is!” I choked out, tears splashing down on my cheeks. I pulled the pregnancy test out and placed it on the table in front of him where it sat in front of his surprised face. I hid my face in shame as he rotated it in his hands staring at its pink plus sign. I got up ready to leave when he grabbed my wrist and demanded I sat back down. I did as he said, rather scared of what he had to say to me.
“This is… weird. But I don’t judge you because I can tell you don’t understand it. We should get you seeing a doctor though… someone who won’t leak it.” He stated. I cringed when he said that and got up, muttering that I didn’t need to see anyone because I wasn’t a freak and walked out the café. I stormed across the road when I felt something hard hit my side and my legs buckle beneath me. I curled up on the floor as I could feel my side growing curiously numb and my vision fogging over. I could hear a panicked voice on a phone to what appeared to by 911 as my vision blurred out into black.

Gerard’s POV

My iPhone buzzed on the counter beside me and I got up and accepted the call.
“Hello?” I asked curiously to find my little brothers voice on the other side of the phone, rushed and breathless.

“Gee, I don’t want to worry you, but Frank’s in hospital. He was hit by a car…”
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Hey again! :) i is sad by the fact so far only 16 of the previous 70 something subscribers have found this... Oh well they shall come shant they my lovelies!
Imma post a fact every time i comment this so last updates was:
*My full name is Emily Jane Ducat
And this updates is...

Emily :D xxx