The Vampire and His Pint Sized Romeo

Chapter Three

Gerard’s POV

I stumbled into the hospital to find Mikey sat in the waiting room. I’d heard about the two new council members; Korse and Madame D had been in control of human rights and the health service but I hadn’t expected hospitals to change this much. Everything was black and white and looked very sterile, and the walls were covered in posters showing the Bl/ind logo, which was a new party trying to get into the government. All the doctors were wearing white strap jackets and long white crisp. The bottom halves of their mouths were hidden with white paper masks. They looked really creepy. One summoned us over so we followed him into a small room. Inside there was a metal table with thick white straps. Lying on this was Frank in a white gown with tubes and wires jabbing into his skin. His face was covered with a breathing machine and he seemed very fragile. I stood by his side watching him, scared for his health. Mikey sat in a little seat in the corner of his room. The doctor adjusted the machines that Frank seemed to be dependent on. I took Frank’s cold hand in mine and tried to rub the warmth back into it. I knew he was alive, but if the machines hadn’t been slowly beeping away anyone would have thought him dead… The doctor waved his hand at us again, signalling he wanted to lead us out of the room. Mikey got up and the two of us followed him out of the room.
We were lead into an office where we sat down at a heavy black desk and the doctor sat behind. “Mr. Iero is in a very unstable condition. He was hit on his left side quite strongly by a car and has broken the majority of the bones in that side. His lung was punctured when his ribs broke and he had a lot of damage to his circulation system. He took him into surgery and got him sorted up and we’re going to take him back in once he’s more stable. I can’t tell you how well he’ll recover after him; he might get all feeling back in his side, he might need to keep coming to appointments with us to be fixed up, he might be paralysed. We’ll do as much as we can for him. Now, I have the more… unusual… of the news. Mr. Iero is bearing child… He’s a few weeks along; it’s incredibly hard for us to determine. Due to the location of the pregnancy the child wasn’t damaged. I think I can try determining what’s occurred that he can carry the child… Most men have an XX gene pattern, and women have a XY gene. Now, some people can have an XXY gene which means they have both male and female reproductive systems. What I think has happened in Mr Iero is one of his parents had the genes XXY and Mr. Iero has the gene pattern XXXY. So he’s male in ascetics and contents but he has a female system inside, most likely lead off by a tube in his ass. So, if he had homosexual sex it would be possible, though highly improbable, for him to come with child. We’d like to examine him and monitor the child’s growth to see how he’ll birth, if the baby has a chance of survival and if it’ll form properly. If you’d allow us we’d like to keep an eye on it… It’d be best for Mr. Iero and the child…”
I stared at the doctor as the news sunk in. I was having a baby with Frank?... Oh god… I rested my face in my hands as I panicked, I mean what if it had complications? I looked up and felt Mikey’s hand wrap around mine in an attempt to calm my worries. I let out a shaky sigh and tightened my grip on Mikey’s hand. “O-o-okay… I’d prefer him to be examined however awkward it is and know my b-baby and b-boyfriend are healthy and safe… I hope you can make him better. I want to see him healthy…” I mumbled. I was so, so worried for them… The doctor nodded and handed me over a collection of papers. I scanned through one which was an information form about Frank which I managed to fill out effortlessly. Another was a detailed report on his condition; every single damaged cell. I signed it to say I knew of the situation. Another was a paper saying I gave them permission to examine Frank up to what I decided was unsuitable and I could call it off when I wished to, which I signed too. I handed them back to him completed and was told I could visit again the next day when they would have hopefully stabilised Frank. I walked out the building with Mikey, still in slight shock, clutching the card which told me the visiting hours that were suitable for Frank. They started at ten am the next day, so I promised myself I was going to be straight there. I placed the card into my wallet and walked over to my car. Mikey climbed into the car next to me and we drove home; he’d said he would stay with me that night to make sure I was okay. I got to the apartment and pushed the door open a crack before slipping in. I shoved the T.V on and sat down while Mikey busied himself in the kitchen. I wasn’t hungry but I guess I hadn’t eaten all day and probably needed to…
I felt my eyes fall shut as they were dry and itchy from crying. I was so tired… The stress of the day had taken a lot of the energy out of me… I fell into a peaceful sleep, sinking into the couch and feeling my muscles relax. That sleep felt like such a welcome wonder…
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Hey babes! :)
Next fact..
*I was born six weeks early :D

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Emma-Lee xxxx