The Vampire and His Pint Sized Romeo

Chapter Four

Frank’s POV

My eyes flashed open to a bright white light which burnt my eyes. I quickly snapped them shut and started to think in my head what I was aware of. I could here a beeping noise that was regular, and a buzz which reminded me of machinery. I could feel objects wrapped around my arms and going into my hands. I could barely feel one side of my body and my head hurt. All my memories were kind of blurry but still there. I slowly, and cautiously, let my eyes fall open and adjust to the light. Everything was white and very sterile, and I could now tell I was lying on a metal table; and was strapped down by thick white straps. I groaned softly and just managed to lean up enough to read the clock situatied on the wall. It was half nine in the morning… A creepy looking doctor with a face mask, white gloves and stiff white uniform walked into my room holding a file. Along the wall was a metal table covered in syringes, examination equipment and a box of latex gloves. I let out a quiet whimper and stared at him. He walked over to me and checked all the moniters attached to me. I couldn’t remember what happened… I tried to search my memories but they were blurry. The doctor asked me a few questions which I eventually managed to answer. I was scared, and pretty confused… Nurses and Doctors hurried in and out of my room for the next half hour, checking machines and checking my health. When it hit ten am the door swung open and Gerard and Mikey walked in, and sat down next to my side. The doctor that walked in the first time came over to us and spoke up.

“Right, well first lets catch up on whats going to happen today. Firstly, we’re going to take Mr.Iero into surgery to continue to work on his side and getting it back to a healthy state.Once he’s out of that and concious we’re going to examine the child and his pregnancy and all of that. We’re then going to run a couple of tests and scans that we won’t get the results to until next time you guys come. So, we’re going to get started.” The doctor explained. I sighed and sunk into the table/bed. I’d never been in surgery before… I heard him walk over to the table and pick up some things before coming back over to me. He unclipped me from the table and machines and lifted me onto a gurney before taking me through to an operation room. I was then lifted onto another metal table and had moniters strapped onto me. An IV was slipped into my hand he took a thick tube and tilted my head back, slipping it through my mouth and to my lungs to help me breathe. It was uncomfortable but I guessed I wouldn’t feel it soon… I then had tubes put through my nose down to my lungs which would keep me on anestetic. An IV was placed in my other hand to keep me knocked out too. I felt weird, like a test dummy… My senses started to cloud over as the doctor snapped on his gloves…

Gerard’s POV

I was so nervous when I saw them lead Frankie off…I headed down to the waiting room where I stuck in my iPod and read a book for a couple of hours. Mikey seemed to have fallen asleep… It was about four hours before the doctor came back in and summoned us back to Frank’s room. When we got in, Frank was on the table, back on life support but now one of his sides was bandaged up. I sat down and stared at him, taking in how unusual it was to see him so defenceless. I was wondering how much he’d dislike the examination of what was to come because none of us knew what to expect with that. After all, no one knew shit how he could carry a baby so it might take a while to find out what they need to… I sighed and picked my book back up but before I’d even reached the end of that chapter, I felt a weak grip on my hand closest to Frank and knew he’d woken up. I started to fill him in on how his surgery had gone and how he’d been hit by the car and everything that’d happened as a way to distract him, sucessfully, from the fact the doctor was preparing the tests. Hell I was scared for Frank, so I didn’t like to think how scared Frank felt… The doctor then came over with a fresh pair of long latex gloves on and a tray of testing equipment, as well as a large needle. I cringed and looked away when I noticed that. The doctor carefully turned Frank over and slipped the needle into his back, so he wouldn’t feel anything. He then explained he needed to try find a passage that the baby would come out of to see if natural birth was possible and to get a area where the baby was carried. Frank cringed but didn’t put up much of a fuss; he was so brave… The doctor leant him on his side and stuck his hand up his arse and started feeling round. It looked freaking hilarious and poor Frankie just looked so confused. I guess the needle worked… I chuckled quietly to myself as the doctor continued to search around in Franks ass. I decided to leave him to it and walked over to Frank’s other side, holding his hand comfortingly as he tried to ask me what was happening. I just quickly replied with a ‘trust me, you’re better off not knowing’ which stupidly just made him more curious.

The doctor seemed to find something because he stopped and hastily binned the gloves. “Right,” He stated, “You have a passage that you can birth from. I think I know where the babys kept so I’m going to hunt around for that now…” He explained, before picking up some blue gel and a little machine. He rubbed the gel all over Frank’s side and stomach and started running the little machine over the area. I think it was an ultrasound… I wasn’t very good at understanding what they were going on about. I then heard a muffled beeping noise coming from the little machine. T-that was our babys heartbeat. I felt tears in my eyes as I listened to the little noise I didn’t think could possibly come from inside my Frankie… We were a family… I clung to his hand as the doctor cleaned him up and said he’d discharge him in a while as long as we came in for apointments to check up on the baby and his side…

Our own little baby… Woah…
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Hey again! :) just got this done! XD so do you prefer this story or the old story? i think i like this one best... it makes more sense >D far.... any ideas how you think it's gonna go? ;)

Fact- I is bi :) <3 xxx
Loveeee EmmaLeee xxx