The Vampire and His Pint Sized Romeo

Chapter Five

Gerard’s POV
I helped my beautiful Frankie back into the our apartment and carried him bridal style into the living room, where I laid him down and tucked a blanket around him. I kissed him on his forehead lightly before turning on the tv for him. He mumbled a quiet thank you to me as he pulled me into a cuddle. Cuddling up to him, I felt like I had to protect him due to the fact he was so weak. His side was still bandaged tightly and his bad arm was taped the side of his chest. Smirking, I ruffled his hair causing him to groan and peek up at me through his fringe. I smiled at him and he yawned and cuddled into me. He looked so fragile…I rubbed his tummy in soft circles to which he moaned quietly, so I laughed at him. I watched him fall asleep on the little sofa so carefully climbed off, being cautious not to wake him up, and walked through to the office we had set up. We’d have to make this into a nursery for our gorgeous baby when it came into this world. I flipped my laptop open, watching the little screen flicker and hum into life, displaying the familiar apple logo on its grubby screen. I clicked onto the internet and opened up my works website and logged in, checking my emails. I had a few requests so jotted them down in my notebook and turned off my shitty laptop. I worked as an artist, doing anything from painting scenes from peoples weddings to designing horror cartoon strips. I couldn’t be bothered to paint them just yet so wrote down a few basic plans for how to make the pictures. I then got up from the swirly chair and headed into the kitchen to make lunch for me and Frankie. I was a shitty cook so threw a pizza into the oven and set off a timer.
As the month clocked by, it came to be Franks next pregancy apointment. I shook him awake from his nap and got him up. He had a swollen stomach that made his tee shirts stretch against his stomach. I helped him into a pair of slacks and one of my shirts and carried him through to the car. He sat in the seat next to me and gripped my hand as I drove down the A road to get to the clinic. We sat in the waiting room making small talk and passing by the time before the familiar white masked man appeared and ushered us into an examination room. Frank was laid down on the metal bed and rolled his shirt up out of the way of his bump. An image of our baby came up on the screen, with a little heartbeat and little fingers and toes. I clutched Franks hand as we both cried. We got a little photo of our baby printed out.
“Congratulations, you’re having a baby girl!”
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guys i seriously need ideas and motivition this is shit :/ XD help me out people! XD
duckie x