The Vampire and His Pint Sized Romeo

Chapter Six

Frank’s POV

Golden streams of light fell down on my bare chest as I caught some rays from the balcony. Ideas were running through my head of that I wanted to move house… I wanted a house with a dog and a huge garden where my daughter could grow up with all the room to play she needed; and all the room we needed to make our family bigger. My guitar, Pansy, was laid on my baby bump while I plucked at the strings softly, trying to get some practice in however I was too distracted by the thought of my little princess growing inside me… Stretching, I clambered to my feet and gazed off the balcony to the rows and rows of shops and flats behind our building. I didn’t want my kid growing up somewhere like this… I mean what if the poor kid was chasing a butterfly along our balcony and tripped and fell? I couldn’t risk that! It was such a surprise to know that I was having a baby, especially a baby girl, and I didn’t want to risk loosing my daughter due to an accident seeing as we didn’t think to move to a more appropriate home for an infant. No, I was defiantly sure I wanted to move away from this flat to a new home.

Pushing the large glass doors open, I headed through to the main house to tell Gee I was going to go out. He didn’t need to know I was going baby shopping – and hopefully picking up a few house brochures and viewing slots – but I knew he’d worry if he looked out onto the balcony to see I was gone so I would at least tell him I was heading through to Newark. Hey, I might raid him for a bit of cash. I stalked him out in the living room and sat down next to him. “Geeee I’m going to head through to Newark for an hour or two. Just so ya know.” He nodded and handed me some cash and the car keys. I grinned and hugged him before pulling on my sneakers and heading down to the car. Another thing I hated about the block of flats was that we were on the tenth floor and had to go down ten floors, then out of the building, to the multi-storey and up another five floors to get to the car. I couldn’t do any of that with my daughter and a pram and all the baby stuff… It was bad enough for me at the moment with a bit of back ache and a small bump so I hoped I could move house before the bump got bigger. Once I’d completed the exhausting (hey I’m pregnant I’m not meant to be fit) walk up to car I climbed in and set off on the drive to Newark. I liked living in Belleville but it was rare to find a nice family home around here… I’d lived in Kearny when I’d grown up and it’d been full of beautiful family homes which massive gardens and had been perfect for little kids to grow up in.

When I got through to Newark I walked into mothercare and started to explore, being overjoyed at the feeling of buying things for my princess. I started my collection of baby items with a lovely patchwork blanket, a couple of pretty dresses and a soft toy which was a 15cm rabbit with soft furry ears, with a beautiful velvet nose and pads on ears and paws. I felt something pulling at my heartstrings. This was the first of many little shops for our baby. I then headed through to the estate agent to look for some houses. The woman sat at the desk was really friendly and found me the leaflet for a mind blowingly lovely 6 bedroom home which a huge garden and drive. I know we were only having one kid but I wanted to have more babies in the future, and we needed a lot of room for Gerard’s art and our band stuff. I stared at it longingly and looked at the price. I’d gained quite a lot of inheritance money last month when my Grandmother had died and had been quietly storing it for just this purpose. I had just enough to put an offer in and we could probably scrape together the money for the interior. I decided on the spot to put my offer in and surprise Gerard. I left the woman with my mobile number so she’d call me when the house owners replied to my offer.

On the drive back the roads were pretty quiet so I got home rather fast. When I pushed the little door to our flat back open the smell of dinner hit me quite strongly. It smelt lovely… I wandered through to the kitchen, peeling off my coat and hanging it on its little peg as I went. In the kitchen the table was set beautifully with a little candle and the best silverware we had. Gerard wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned into his chest yawning slightly. We sat down at the table and he presented me with a bowl of pasta. I grinned and cautiously tried it, knowing Gee wasn’t the best of cooks and it was best to try it carefully first. It was surprisingly nice so I dug in, in love with it. He smiled at me and I grinned, my mouthful of food and gave him a thumb up. Gerard laughed at me as he delicately ate his tea. I leant across and kissed him softly on the lips…
♠ ♠ ♠ << the home frank wants << the bunneh :3

Hey guys! :) so, i feel like writing them a sex scene next cause i havent in either of the stories... so on a level of 1 to 10, ten being the most, how kinky would you like it? ;) i fancy writing something kinky but i dunno if that suits the story... so, tell me what you want in the guys sex even if its completely unrelevent to the story (It may be included by Frank having a wet dream XD) or should i write one of them having a kinkeh wet dream then waking up and having lurvely romantic sex together?.. help me guys :3 also, what do you think out these 5 names for the daughter?
1. Faith
2. Serendipity
3. Cassadee
4. Alex
5. Hope

Love you guys!
Duckie x