The Vampire and His Pint Sized Romeo

Chapter Eight

Gerard’s POV

I woke up with Frank curled up, naked, in my arms and his head laid on my sweaty chest. I patted down my wild hair and carefully got up, being cautious not to wake up Frankie. I climbed into the shower and got rid of my little morning problem from seeing Frankie naked. I then washed away all the horrible sweat left from last nights ‘activities’ and climbed out, wrapping a towel around myself. We had another baby scan today as the doctor wanted to keep on top of her in case any problems arose. I was curious to how fast Frank’s bump was growing so made a mental note to ask the doctor about it and if it was expected or if it was something they hadn’t noticed last time. I wandered into the bedroom again and shook Frankie awake. He grumbled and pushed himself up on his elbows questioning why I’d woken him up. I reminded him that we had another scan today, which caused him to groan and state that his ass hurt. I laughed at him and told him to choose better nights to have sex, before throwing clothes at him and going off into the kitchen to make his breakfast. I made him some chocolate pancakes knowing they were his favourite and they’d bribe him out of bed. Sure enough, soon after he was waddling into the kitchen mumbling something that sounded like ‘going to cut off your cock’ which made me laugh. Frank Iero was not a morning person…

I sat watching him eat at his pancakes while I enjoyed my coffee. We then took the long journey up to the car and drove through to the clinic. When we got there I signed him in and we were called through to the room. Frankie lay down on the plastic covered table as we waited for the doctor. There was now a big ‘Better Living Industries’ poster on the wall bragging about their new success in the government campaign. I rolled my eyes; I didn’t like them personally. All their adverts were very monotone and boring. The masked doctor walked in then and snapped on a pair of gloves. He spread the gel over Frank’s stomach and turned on the little screen. I loved seeing our daughter on that little screen. The doctor continued to check on our daughter’s health when he stopped and seemed curious. He told us to wait while he left the room. Frank stared at me, fear in his eyes, as if he was asking me ’What? What’s wrong with my baby?!’ I took his hand in mine and tried to comfort him. When the doctor came back with another doctor who he explained was a paediatrician I started to get more and more concerned.

“Right well let’s see what’s going on here, eh?” The paediatrician stated and started to look around in Frank’s stomach. Frankie was looking at me nervous when the paediatrician spoke back up. “Well I have two pieces of news for you Mr. Iero. Firstly, the baby is bent at a rather unusual angle, which is making her back form bent so we’re going to get in there and just get her into a better position. Secondly, she’s in that position because she’s got a little twin sister in with her. We’ll move the baby as soon as possible to try and save her back from bending any worse.” The doctor explained. Frank looked concerned so I kissed him on the forehead and assured him he’d be fine, and I reminded him of the fact we got two babies out of all this no matter how problematic it is. He agreed with me the babies were worth it and I promised him we’d go shopping for all the baby things he wanted to get after this. The doctor slipped an IV tube of sedatives into Frank’s hand to knock him out. I left the room to let them do their stuff and sat in the reception reading a pregnancy book so I knew what to expect on the upcoming months.

*an hour later*

I collected Frank from the recovery room and carried him to the car, watching him wake up from his groggy state. About half way home he was back to his happy and talkative self and we were chatting about baby names since we now had two to think of. We decided to choose a name each then see if we were okay with each other’s choices. Frank already had his heart set on Grace which I loved too, but I was a bit more indecisive over the name… I knew I loved this child though, so a name would come naturally… We’d also decided to do most of the baby shopping online to save taking Frank out. We’d realised his bump was showing more now and the press might be getting more suspicious something was up… I got Frank home and tucked him up in bed, kissing him softly and going off to look at baby things…
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hey :D still waiting for results on the names before i can name twinny mark 2 :D i wrote this before the chap before... XD so what name do you want please? :3

choices: Faith, Serendipity, Cassadee, Alex or Hope?

EmmaLee xxx