Status: working on it so first Spencer Reid fan fic but i shall try to update faster whenever time allows me to.

Love for Someone Can Be Discovered Through the Worst Situations

Flash Forward: Present Location-Unknown

Sarah's POV

I close my eyes and hope that it was all just a bad dream. I open them and find Spencer still knocked unconscious. I run over to him and check his pulse. It's still there but barely. I look around to where we are and it is just a room with one very small window which is in the ceiling so I can't see out of it because I'm too short. I close my eyes while sitting next to him holding his hand hoping that he will make it, I just got the chance to meet him and now he could be dying, I won't let him die, I can't let him die, he means to much to me. I feel like I've known him my whole life, but that’s not possible because I just met him.

Sarah's Dream

"Sarah, time to wake up." I open my eyes and find them greeted by a set of chocolate brown eyes which belong to Spencer.

"Hey Spence. Good morning." I smile. He then gives me a good morning kiss. I get up and get dressed. While I'm brushing my teeth I can't help but to notice that I'm wearing a wedding ring. I walk to the kitchen and started to make breakfast. I turn around and find a little boy standing there. He then goes over to Spencer.

"Daddy, can we go play trains while mommy makes breakfast."

"Of course we can." Spencer then picks him up and takes him to the other room and they sit down. I finish breakfast and set the table and put out the food. The little boy and Spencer come over and sit down then the boy looks at me and says, "Mommy, I love you , thank you for breakfast." He had a huge smile on his face. It then hits me, I am married to Spencer and the little boy is ours. We finished eating and then little boy went to his room to take a nap. Spencer carried to me our bedroom. He set me on the bed and started to kiss my neck.

I was then brought back to the present. I get up and see that I'm in a bed and Spencer is standing pacing the room.

Spencer's POV

I woke up with a raging headache. I noticed Sarah was sitting next to me and holding me hand. It looked like she was sleeping so I picked her up and put her on the bed in the room. I didn't see any doors only a window in the ceiling. I seemed to have everything except my phone and gun. I then heard her start to wake up. She looked at her hands and let out a sigh.

"It was just a dream." She looked up and saw me pacing back and forth.

"Are you ok?" I look at her pretty hair.

"SPENCER!" She got up and ran over to me and literally jumped into my arms. "I thought that I lost you because you had not woken up for the past 24 hours."

I looked at her. "I can't leave you here by yourself with no one to protect you. We have to find a way out though so we could get back to the team. Before he does the same thing to us that he did to the other people."

"Right, but the ceiling is too high. There is a camera over in the corner. I bet that he has been watching us this whole time." She walks over to the camera.
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