So Easy to Love

Two Weeks

It's been nearly two weeks since I've heard from my dad or Ellie. I did, however, hear back from Mary and I officially work for the Anaheim Ducks. As excited as I was to hear the news, I was still worried about Landon and the fact the my parents weren't returning my calls at all. So, I called Mary to tell her I had a family crisis and that I was going to be either late or not at work at all. Thank god she's so nice or I would be so fucking fired.

“Come on Lambo, I'm taking you home.” I called upstairs, grabbing my keys and purse. He came trotting down with his small bag and followed me out, shoving it in the trunk.

“Did you finally talk to mom and dad?” He asked as we started onto the highway.

“, I didn't.” I said quietly.

“Do you think something happened?” He asked. Well, shit, what do you tell an six year old!?

“No, I think they're probably just really busy. I'm sure everything is just fine.” I said calmly, even though I was having a full panic attack.

He nodded and leaned back into his seat, slowly falling asleep. I knew something was going on, I just had a bad feeling about everything. And as my car got closer to our home in Big Bear, I started getting more anxious. What was I going to walk in on? Should I leave Landon in the car? Just when I thought I was going to throw up, my phone started ringing. Landon stirred and grabbed my purse, pulling my phone out.

“Hi Bobby, do you want to talk to Porsche?” He said, making me smile a little. “Okay. Here you go.” He handed me my phone and went back to sleep.

“Hi Bobby.” I said quietly.

“Hey, where are you? Mary said you're having a family emergency?” He asked.

After I got my job, Bobby started showing up in my office almost everyday. He's a total sweetheart but Coach comes by and tells him to go home, since it's the off season. He takes me to lunch almost everyday and Mary doesn't stop talking about how much she loves Bobby and how he's such a great kid. It definitely helps that he's a cutie.

“It's nothing. I'm just bringing my brother home.” I said, pulling into my dad and Ellie's driveway.

“Are you sure? You can tell me.” He said.

“Really. Don't worry about me.” I said, fighting off a smile.

“I will worry about you. Will you call me later?” He said, a smile in his voice.

“Yeah, sure.” I said, looking over at a sleeping Landon.

“If you need me, I can come over. Hockey players have great shoulders for crying on.” He said.

“I have to go. But I will call you.” We exchanged a few more words and hung up. I left Landon in the car while I went up to the front door. I happened to notice a black car that was not my dad's and that made me nervous. I had keys to the house and as I walked in slowly, I heard hurried footsteps and Ellie was coming from the kitchen, looking incredibly flustered.

“Oh! Porsche, what are you doing here!?” She asked, looking nervous. What the fuck is going on!?

“Jeez, nobody answers my phone calls for nearly two weeks and I have Landon. What's going on?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“Nothing! Tanner went on a business trip.” She said quickly.

“Oh and both your phones just happened to break at the same time?” I asked sarcastically.

“It's not a good time.” She said, lowering her voice. I stared at her before marching around her and going into the kitchen. She called after me but when I walked in, I saw him.

I fucking knew it!” I snapped, turning to glare at her.

“No, Porsche, this isn't what you think it is.” She pleaded, stepping between myself and that dick, Zak.

“You're cheating on my dad, again!?” I yelled.

“No! Porsche, I found out who the father was!” She said. I felt like my heart stopped beating for a second.

“That's just perfect, isn't it? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. From the very beginning! And you knew I didn't have a mother in my life, so you just decided to manipulate my father and I!?” I snapped.

“Porsche, please don't leave. Let me explain.” She pleaded again.

Then start explaining!” I yelled, crossing my arms over my chest. She had better have a damn good reason or I'll make sure Landon doesn't see her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bobby Ryan! :)
I'm happy to keep this one going.
It's getting to be like our Bilko/.Potter stories haha.


Kylee Potter ;) Haven't called her that in a LOOOOOOOOOONG time hahaha :)