So Easy to Love

Where's Your Boy Toy

In the past two weeks, a few important things have happened in my life. My little brother was born, whom I haven't seen since then. My mother died from cancer, which I never knew she had. And I've found a new love for this lovely thing called alcohol. Last night was no different, out dancing with a few of my good girlfriends, getting really wasted and going home just to pass out. I woke up this morning and felt like I had been hit by a train. And I felt like I was going to puke my brains out. I stumbled my way downstairs to see Bobby sitting on my couch.

“I think you should talk to someone, about your mom.” He said, watching me as I grabbed Advil and water.

“I think you should mind your business.” I snapped.

“You're my girlfriend, it's kind of my business.” He replied, crossing his arms slowly.

“I'm not your property.” I snapped again.

He let out a long sigh before getting up and leaving. I waited about an hour, sitting alone in my kitchen before taking a quick shot and driving to my dad's house. Both of their cars were in the driveway when I got there. I opened the door and nearly fell on face trying to step over the doorway. Landon came running towards me, yelling and smiling. He jumped on me, hugging my middle tightly. When he back away, his nose turned up and he made a strange face.

“You smell gross.” He stated.

“So do you.” I teased, making him stick his tongue out at me.

“Long time no see!” Ellie said with a smile, baby Bentley in her arms. He was just cooing away, just as happy as any little baby could be.

“Where's dad?” I asked, giving her a quick hug.

“Out back, testing out some new stuff for his rally car.” she said, staring at my face. “Didn't sleep well?” she asked.

“Been having some trouble lately. It's nothing.” I said, forcing a smile.

“Wait until you have kids.” she joked, nudging me gently before heading back into the kitchen. “Where's your boy toy?” she teased as I came into the kitchen.

“He.....uh..... he had something to do with his sponsors.” I said. She placed Bentley in his little playpen and Landon climbed over and played with him.

“Everything okay?” She asked.

“Yeah! He just had stuff to do.” I said.

She nodded I helped her clean up the kitchen. I spent the rest of my day with her and my dad. I helped them clean, move stuff around, feed Landon and Bentley, and clean some more. I even drove around the track with my dad a few times. Eventually, it started getting dark out and I was itching to get out. I declined the offers of staying for dinner and sped home, changing quickly and calling up my friends. While I waited, I cracked open a coke and added some Jack Daniels. I must have had at least five before they arrived and we were heading out.
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