So Easy to Love

But She Has Us

Once Porsche left, I just had… a feeling. Not a good feeling. I wanted to bring it up to Tanner, but not around the kids. He was having too much fun with them right now. Bentley was in his playpen along with Landon, who, for some reason, likes to crawl in there with his little brother and play. But tonight, Tanner was on the floor playing peek-a-boo with the little one, making him squeal so loudly in fits of giggles. Oh it was so cute.

We haven’t heard anything from the DNA testing yet though. Neither of us have spoken of it. But we know it’s always in the back of our minds. Everyday when we shuffle through the mail I know Tanner’s looking for that envelope as much as I am. But if Tanner’s worried about it, it doesn’t show. He still plays with Bentley just as much as he plays with Landon.

… but he has another child I think we need to talk about…

After Landon was tucked into bed, I went down into our room to find Tanner cradling Bentley while he took his bottle… talk about cuteness overload. I crawled up onto the bed next to him and left a soft kiss on his bare shoulder.

“I love you,” I whispered before resting my head there.

“I love you too,” he replied, glancing down at me with a small smile on his smooth face.

It made me grin and wrap my arms around his middle tightly. While this was going on, I was trying to put together the Porsche conversation in my head. It wasn’t going too well though. I don’t know how to bring this up! Mainly because… I don’t really know if there’s anything wrong with her!

Once Tanner had gotten up to put Bentley into his crib that was in our room for the time being, my phone rang. That was… odd. No one usually calls me at this time. Everyone knows I have kids and usually when they go to sleep, I do too. But my phone didn’t recognize the number. Something in me told me I should answer it though.

“Ellie?” the person replied after I had answered. I had no idea who this guy was. Why is he calling me?!

“Yeah… who is this?” I countered.

“This is Bobby, Porsche’s boyfriend,” he replied.

“Is everything ok?” I quickly muttered.

“Well, nothing’s happened, I was just… wanting to talk to you,” he huffed.

“Ok…” I pushed out, unsure of all of this.

“Porsche’s been… going out a lot lately. Ever since her mom passed, it’s gotten… bad,” he said.

“How bad?” I couldn’t hold in.

“She’s going out every night and coming home at some ungodly hour in the morning,” he answered.

I ran my hand through my hair, trying to think of things to do… but I had nothing. I thanked Bobby for telling me and told him that I’d talk to Tanner about it before we did anything and then we hung up. After I placed my phone down, I let out a heavy sigh. Oh, Papa Foust isn’t going to like this…

“What’s going on?” he asked while scooting over closer to me.

“You need to be calm. Please be calm,” I spoke and then wanted to take it back. He’s not going to be calm!

“Tell me what’s going on,” he shot back.

“Porsche’s… been partying,” I replied softly.

“Well… she can,” he replied with a duh tone to his voice.

“No, she’s been going out every night and coming home late. Tanner, why would Bobby call me concerned if it was just causal partying?”

He stared back at me for a few seconds without blinking. He didn’t want to accept that his daughter… could possibly have a problem.

“Maybe it’s just something small. You know with losing her mom and everything? That’s a hard thing to get over,” I tried to soothe his thoughts… that he wasn’t speaking.

“But she has us,” he countered.

“Maybe she doesn’t think we understand. Neither of us… really got along with her,” I replied.

“What do we do then? If we go to her and bombard her with this, she’s going to get pissed,” he huffed.

“I think it’s too soon to plan an intervention. Maybe we could just… remind her how much we love and care about her,” I told him while reaching over to wrap my arms around him to give off some comfort.

He fell back onto the bed with a loud sigh escaping me. For the next few minutes, the two of us just laid here in a silence. I didn’t know what to say to him. He’s been through so much lately. I honestly don’t know how he’s kept it all together. But like everything else, he’ll get through this… and so will his daughter.
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WOOOO procrastinating on my project to write... wooooo! lol


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