So Easy to Love

Jack and Coke

I planned on just laying around my house for the day, just to recover a little and then go out that night. It had been another week since I'd seen Ellie and my dad. Bobby stops by now and then, just checking in and trying to keep me at home for the night. Sometimes I will stay in but then he gets upset when I get up to make a drink. He usually leaves after about my third or fourth. It was around lunch time and I was just getting started on my third jack and coke. Then came a loud banging on my front door. I stumbled to the door, banging into it before slowly stepping back and opening it. Ellie was standing there, staring at me. I quickly moved my drink behind my back and smiled at her.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked, watching her walk right in.

“We haven't heard from you in a while, just thought I would check in.” She said.

“Oh, well everything is okay here.” I said, watching her look around. While her back was turned, I chugged the rest of my drink and quickly put the glass in the dishwasher.

“Your boss called us and asked how you were. You took time off?” She asked, examining a few pictures of Bobby and I.

“Well, yeah. I told her about my mom and she gave me as long as I need. I can work from here anyway.” I said with a shrug. I went to follow her but walked into my coffee table. I giggled and put my hand on my face. “Who put this here?” I said through my giggles.

“Porsche, your dad and I are worried about you.” She finally confessed through a long, heavy sigh. I could help myself, I started to giggle.

“Why are you worried!? I'm perfectly fine!” I giggled, shaking my head at her. She had this weird look in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again.

“Just.......just know that we're here for you if you need us.” She said, her shoulders slumping a little.

“Oh, I know that!” I said, moving my way to my kitchen.

“And your brothers miss you a lot.” She said. I froze in my position, right in front of my fridge.

“They........they do?” I asked, turning to look at her.

“Well, Landon talks about you a lot and Bentley barely knows you.” She said. I looked away from her and reached into my freezer, pulling out a bottle of gin and placing it on the far counter.

“Well, I'll come see them more often.” I said, waiting for her to look away before taking a gulp right from the bottle.

“Yeah, you's getting late, I should go.” She said, grabbing purse and leaving.

I watched her leave and continued around my house, drinking more and more. I saw on Facebook that my friend had posted a picture of me with a bottle of champagne, chugging it down. I got nervous that my dad would see it but I wasn't exactly thinking correctly. I stayed in tonight, drinking more and more before somehow deciding that it would be an okay idea to drive to see my dad, Ellie, and my little brothers at one in the morning, completely shit-faced. I was lucky that I didn't kill anyone or get myself arrested. I nearly crashed into my dad's car though, that wouldn't have been good. I got inside and stumbled around, knocking over a few things that were probably pretty fragile. I could hear them break. Then I saw Landon at the top of the stairs, probably wondering what was going on.

Porsche!” He cheered, running down and attacking me. “You smell really bad.” He said, his face scrunched up.

“I know I do! But shh! We have to be very quiet!” I said, rather loudly.

Landon said he was going to go wake Ellie and my dad. Obviously, I didn't think this was a bad thing until they came downstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
left over pizza for dinner!
wooo wooo!
and Garlic sauce!
