So Easy to Love

I Am Scared

“Before you say anything, I just talked to Bobby. He's having me stay with him until I can get back on my feet.” I said, not being able to look Ellie or my dad in the eyes.

“Why didn't you come to us? We're your family.” Ellie said quietly.

“I.....was scared........I am scared.” I said, blinking back tears.

“Porsche.” My dad said, coming over and sitting on the bed with me.

I just started crying. Both him and Ellie moved closer and wrapped their arms around me. For an hour, we all talked about my mom passing and how I was feeling over these past few months. They also told me how they felt and that they had wished I would have come to them about my problem. After some more crying, from everyone, we had finished talking.

“Are you sure you don't want to stay here?” My dad asked, gently rubbing my back.

“It's going to be hard, this process. And I don't want Landon or Bentley to see it. I'm sure I've already traumatized them enough.” I said.

“Bobby will take good care of her.” Ellie said, holding Tanner's hand.

“I love you guys but.....for 3 weeks, I'm just going to cut communication.” I said.

“We understand.” My dad said, taking my hand. My phone vibrated with a text from Bobby, saying that he was now at my dad's.

“I've gotta go.” I said, hugging both of them. They followed me downstairs and outside, where Bobby was leaning against his Range Rover. He nodded at me and then went over to my dad to talk to her. I knew Bobby was disappointed in the way I was acting. Ellie came over and stood by the passenger side window.

“He's good for you, Porsche. I can tell he really cares about you.” She said.

“I know.......I really screwed up, though.” I said.

“He'll forgive you.” she said with a weak smile.

I smiled back and watched as my dad and Bobby shook hands and patted each others backs before Bobby came back over to the car. He said goodbye to Ellie and we left their house, heading back to Anaheim. He didn't speak for a good hour, just the dull hum of the radio playing in the background. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel until finally was came to our exit. He had still hadn't spoken to me, even as we neared my house. When we pulled into my driveway, he got out, me following. I unlocked the door and headed upstairs to pack a few bags. When I finally came back down, he had empty bottles surrounding him, slowly dropping them into the recycle bin. The kitchen reeked of alcohol and the sink was running.

“Bobby.......” I said.

“I just want Porsche back. That's all.” he said, looking over at me.

“You'll get her back. It's going to take some work, but you will.” I said, slinging a bag over my shoulder. He came over and took the others in his arms.

“Good, because I think I love her.” he said, going out to the car and putting the bags away. I stayed behind for a moment. I finished what Bobby had started, dumping out every bottle of alcohol in my house, placing the bottles in the bin and bringing them down to the curb.

“Let's go.” I said, getting in the car and throwing my duffel in the backseat.

As we pulled out onto the street, he slid his hand into mine and squeezed it tightly. It warmed my whole body and I felt it was a sign, a sign that the hardest part was over. Once you've hit rock bottom, there's no where to go but up.
♠ ♠ ♠
hahaha, that's the medication talking.
Stupid wisdom teeth.
