So Easy to Love

Show Her A Perfect Mother

It has not been a good week… or two… or three. I don’t even know anymore. All the weeks just collide into one. And then Porsche comes! This is just perfect! First Tanner, now her!

So… I found out you can do a DNA test while you’re still pregnant. They just stick a needle through your belly to get some amniotic fluid and test that. I didn’t think it was that easy, but it scared the hell out of me.

I made the mistake of telling Tanner though. So for the whole week following that doctor’s appointment, he scanned the mail like no other. It just made me feel so much anxiety. This isn’t good!

The day that precious envelope came, I went out to do a bit of grocery shopping. I was actually having a good day! But the second I walked through that door and saw Tanner’s face, every bit of happiness left me. His facial expression gave everything away.

He… wasn’t the father.

Everything just went to hell then. He flipped. He called me every name known to man, accused me of still carrying on a relationship with Zak even though I haven’t seen the guy since all hell broke loose last time, and he even went as far as saying Landon wasn’t his. That hurt… a lot.

He left that night… and I haven’t heard from him since. That was three days ago. And now I have to face Porsche… while Zak’s here. This should be awesome.

“Where’s Landon?” I tried to shift gears.

“You tell me what the hell is going on first,” she shot at me.

“Your dad... left a few days ago. I don’t know where he is or what he’s doing. He just left,” I softly replied.

“So you get back with this douchebag?” she was quick to butt in.

“I told him it was his…” I tried to start up again. I haven’t voiced this to anyone! Why am I voicing it to a twenty-two year old whose just waiting to jump all over me?

“And you guys are going to leave and have your perfect little family?” she cut me off through a snicker.

“Damn it, let her talk,” Zak threw back.

“Why should I? She’s fucked up my family!” she shouted at Zak.

“Porsche, everyone’s a little emotional right now. You yelling doesn’t help anything,” I tried to calm her down.

She sent me a glare, sending me that look that could kill me if she had supernatural powers. Once I looked away from her, she turned on her heels and walked through the house.

“Where are you going?” I quickly questioned.

“Away… and Landon’s coming with me,” she replied.

“No, he’s not,” I shouted, doing everything I could to catch up with her.

“Because you’re just the perfect mother, right?” she smirked at me.

“Take him and see what happens,” I muttered.

She looked at me through the same smirk before sliding back into her car. After she slammed the door shut, the engine came to life. I wasn’t going to stand there and watch her and drive away. She was going to anyway. I ran back inside and picked up my phone that happened to be in the kitchen next to Zak.

“What are you doing?” Zak quickly asked once I pressed my phone to my ear.

I just looked at him. Nothing he could say was going to change my mind. She’s taking my son! Tanner doesn’t even want him now. Why should I let his daughter take my son that he doesn’t think is his? Show her a perfect mother.

“I need to report a kidnapping,” I said once the person on the other line answered… from the police department.

“Ellie,” Zak countered, causing his bright blue eyes to widen.

I ignored him and went on to do everything I could to get Landon back. Porsche obviously doesn’t want anything to do with me anyway… It’s not like we were going to make up after this. And this is definitely not going to help. But I don’t care at this point. Landon needs to be with me… not with Porsche or Tanner.
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Woot! update!!!


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