So Easy to Love

We'll Be the Brady Bunch

It was so nice to have Porsche back home. I just wish Tanner were here to enjoy this little moment. He would be soon though. I wanted to text him, but… I thought this would be a great surprise for him.

“So… Bobby told me about… Bentley,” Porsche started as she sat in the kitchen with me while I cooked.

“I have never been so relieved in my life,” I sighed.

“I knew he was. He has dad’s eyes,” she replied through a smile.

It brought a smile across my face too. We talked a little more about the boys and what they’ve been up too. During that time, Tanner called to say that he was about an hour from home. I caught Porsche’s smile as she heard him. Oh I can’t wait for him to get here!

“Did you want to talk to me about something, or did you want your dad here too?” I questioned since she hadn’t really asked anything… and she said she wanted to talk to me.

“Just you…” she replied.

“I’m listening,” I assured her.

“You and dad weren’t together that long before you guys got married… right?” she started.

“About a year and half. I guess to most people that’s not too long. But with the way your dad had relationships, that was like ten years to him,” I teased, making her smile nervously.

“How did you know he was the one… even in that short amount of time?” she went on.

Her question kind of took me a second to process. How did I know that Tanner was the one? I was twenty-five when I met him. He was… thirty-six. But there was just something about him… but what was it?

“It’s something that… you’ll just know,” was my generic answer.

“But like…” she stopped, showing off her frustration from not being able to get her words out.

“Do you really want me to get mushy with you and tell you how your dad makes me feel?” I snickered playfully.

“If you keep it PG,” she countered through her own giggle.

“He just… makes me happy. Even when he’s gone, just a few minutes on the phone with him can make my day. And the fact that he has given me three beautiful children, adds a lot to it,” I told her.

“If you guys keep going, we’ll be the Brady Bunch pretty soon,” she taunted.

“I told him we should have another girl so it’s all even,” I countered through a smile.

“Do it!” her face lit up.

I just shook my head through a smile. I don’t know if Papa Bear would go for that idea just yet.

“So are you thinking… Bobby’s that special someone?” I started up after a silence fell over us.

“Kind of…” she tried to hide her smile as her face got red. “I mean… what guy would stay by my side through something like that? It takes a special person,” she went on.

“I like Bobby… and I think Tanner does too,” I assured her.

She continued to smile while I got my cook on. We kept talking a little longer before she went into the room with Bobby and the boys. Just as I was finishing dinner, I saw Tanner’s car pull up in the driveway, looking at Bobby’s car strangely. Before he could come inside, I hurried out to greet him.

“Hey, baby,” he smiled once I jumped up into his arms.

“How was your race?” I countered after leaving a few kisses on his plump lips.

“I already told you I won,” he chuckled.

“Well, I got a surprise for you,” I went on.

“Really?” he asked, raising an eyebrow through a cute little grin.

“Come on,” I laughed while taking his hand and leading him inside.

As I pulled him through the house, he kept thinking that Bentley was mobile some how. Our son’s only four months… he’s barley sitting up by himself! How could he be crawling?

But once the two of us made it into the living room, his eyes fell on his daughter. I have never seen them light up so much. Porsche got to her feet just as Tanner rushed over to her, picking her up to hold her for a tight hug. It was so precious.

Once he put her back down, Landon got up to hug at both of their legs. Porsche bent down to pick her brother up while Tanner scooped up Bentley. Bobby and I just sat back and smiled as we watched this little reunion. It was such a beautiful moment… and it’s my family; my happy family that may be expanding even more soon.
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Top Gear is on... and I'm tired. That's why it's kind of sucky buuuut... :/

