So Easy to Love

San Diego

So after Ellie decided to call the damn cops on me, I haven't heard anything from her. And I haven't talked to Bobby in a week. I don't need him knowing about my messed up family. I was doing just fine, doing my job at the Honda Center and doing all of the good things that people my age should. Then of course, I get a call from my dad's manager, Robbie.

“Porsche? It's Robbie, can you talk?” He said quickly.

“Uh.......sure? What's up?” I asked.

“You uh........might wanna sit down.” He said. I cautiously sat on my couch and get a terrible feeling in my gut.

“Okay.......what's going on?” I asked slowly. He sighed loudly and there was a brief silence.

“Your dad......he was in an accident. We were at race here in San Diego and he hit another driver was bad.” He said. He paused and sucked in a breath. “You might want to come down here. He's not doing so well.”

I couldn't control myself as a sob escaped my throat and dropped my phone. My head fell into my hands and I started to cry. I didn't want to go alone but Ellie was probably not going to come. I grabbed my phone and hung up as I ran up to my room, stuffing as much as I could into a bag. As I about to leave my house, I swung open the door and Bobby was standing there, ready to knock. He took one look at me before pulling me against him.

“What's wrong? Is everything okay?” He asked, holding me at arms length.

“No, my whole family is falling apart and now my dad is in a hospital and.....” I couldn't finish before I started to cry again. He pulled me against him again and kissed the top of my head.

“I'm coming with you.” He said quietly. I shook my head but he simply picked up my bag and shoved it in his car. “Come on, we'll go to my house then we can take your car.” He said.

I didn't protest this time, I simply did as he said. He packed at bag at his house and stuffed it in my car before getting in. We took off for San Diego. The entire drive down was silent except the the hum of the car on the highway. But Bobby never let go of my hand as we drove. I feel him glance over at me a few times but neither of us said anything. Nearly two hours later, we were in San Diego, at the hospital that Robbie told me to go to. When we walked in, Robbie was standing at the nurses station. He didn't smile like he usually does when he sees me. He simply nodded at me and took us to his room, which was located in the ICU. Nurses were moving all around and constantly checking on him. He stopped outside the door and stared at Bobby.

“Porsche, I think you should just go in......alone for now.” He said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Just......we don't want to stress him out. He isn't exactly stable.” He said slowly. I glanced over at Bobby and he squeezed my hand before letting go.

I slowly opened the door and saw my dad sitting upright in the bed. His face was a little swollen and one of his eyes was black and blue all around. His shifting arm was in a cast and there were cuts and bruises all over his arms. I couldn't stop the gasp that escaped my mouth. He glanced over and just stared at me. He didn't say anything, just stared. But he slowly lifted his arms and held them up. I walked over and hugged him lightly, trying not to cry again.

“How did you get here?” He asked, his voice sounding his voice box was dragged through the gravel.

“I drove.” I said, my voice shaking.

“Where's Ellie?” He asked, looking around me. I just stared at him. “What? My own girlfriend didn't come?” He asked.

“Girlfriend? Don't you mean wife?” I asked slowly.

“No........we aren't married yet. Didn't you say that you didn't like her?” He asked. I continued to stare at him.

“ old do you think I am?” I asked. Please let me be wrong, oh please.

“18, why?” He asked. SHIT!

“Nothing, nothing. I'm uh......going to call Ellie.” I said, walking out.

Bobby and Robbie were talking in the waiting area while I went down the hall to the bathroom. I took out my phone and shakily dialed Ellie's cell phone. I was hoping to maybe get her voice mail but of course, I'm never that lucky. She picked up after three rings and boy, did she not sound excited to hear from me. I sucked in a deep, shaky breath and spoke.

“Ellie?” I said, suddenly breaking down and starting to sob.

“Porsche.........why are you calling?” She asked slowly, not as nasty as when she answered.

“I.....I know you aren't together but.....Dad he.....he got into an accident and....” I couldn't continue talking, I just started crying again.

“Where?” She asked quickly.

“San Diego Medical.” I said.

She hung up rather quickly and I stood there, staring at my phone. I didn't know if she was coming or not but I didn't want to be alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bobby Ryan *swoons*
Thank Kylee for helping me with this :P
She showed me a picture of Tanner Nanner's car all messed up and I was like
BAM! INSPIRED! haha yeah.

Porsche and Bobby!