So Easy to Love

Can I Watch?

"What if he finds out it's not his?" I whispered to Ellie.

We were currently at my dad's house, having just been able to release him from the hospital. Ellie had just ushered him into bed and was now joining me in the kitchen. She looked down at her growing stomach and sighed heavily. She looked back at me and sank into a chair, her head in her hands.

"I miss him, Porsche. I was so stupid." She said weakly. I slowly sat next to her and gently rubbed her back.

"Those tests.........the DNA tests, they can be wrong. You did it really early, maybe it isn't Zak's." I said, hoping to comfort her.

"I could never be that lucky." She mumbled. "Have you talked to Landon?" She asked.

"He's staying with your parents. They offered to take him for as long as we need. And I'm taking time off from work." I said.

"No, I can handle this." She said, starting to stand up.

"Let me help. He is my father." I said, standing up as well.

She sighed and looked at me. She was about to speak when we heard footsteps and saw my dad shuffling into the kitchen. He looked kind of like an old man. He had an his slippers and a robe, bags under his eyes and his shoulder's slumped. We watched him shuffled over to the counter where the pain killers where. He went to take some but stared at us.

"It hurts." He whined, popping some into his mouth and grabbing at water.

"You look like shit." I blurted out. His face twisted and gave me one of his famous daddy stares.

"How many times do I have to tell you to watch your language!" He said, crossing his arms slowly. I almost laughed, since he gave up on the language thing when I turned 20. But he obviously thinks I'm still 18.

"Sorry, dad." I mumbled, looking over at Ellie.

"So, when did the doctor say I could start driving?" Dad asked, looking at Ellie as well.

"Not for a while." She said.

"Well, what about being a passenger?" He asked, now looking at me.

Oh no, no, no! I am not driving! I haven't drifted in two years! And he just got out of the hospital, I sure as hell don't want to be responsible for putting him back in there! Ellie looked over at me and mumbled something before looking back at my dad.

"I don't think it's such a good idea, Tanner." She said.

"Well, can I watch?" He asked.

"She doesn't have her car." She said.

"She can use mine." He said with a shrug. "Come on, let's go today." He said, a familiar light showing in his bruised eyes.

" you mind?" She asked, practically begging me with her eyes.

"I guess....." I said.

My dad smiled and said he was going to go get showered and then we could all go down to the track. I went up to my old room and dug through the closet to find my old racing suit and shoes. As I stuffed them into a bag, I silently prayed that I still remembered how to drift that damn thing.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is probably suuuuuper short but I can't tell because I had to use Mibba's draft thingy.
I'm using my Aunt's laptop soooooo


I'm sorry if this is super short!!!