So Easy to Love

You Worry About You

“Is that her boyfriend? Please tell me that’s not her boyfriend,” Tanner muttered as Porsche climbed into her car after she had kisses Bobby.

“I don’t know, Tanner,” I sighed through a smile.

It’s nice to know his protective daddy ways haven’t escaped him. That gave me some reassurance.

He opened his mouth to say something more, but the sound of that car’s engine flooded throughout the area. Tanner’s mouth closed quickly. But it didn’t take long for a smile to come over him, showing off those adorable dimples.

Every few seconds, he’d take a step closer to Porsche’s drifting action. I hoped he wouldn’t get too close. Who knows what all of that tire smoke will do with meds. He looked so happy though. I couldn’t bring myself to pull him back.

“That’s my baby,” he said through a smile.

He wasn’t saying it to anyone in particular. He was just being a proud papa. It was the cutest thing ever. I could sit here and watch it all day.

“Can I get back in there again?” he looked over at me through a cheeky grin.

“Not yet, honey dear,” I teased, placing my hand on his back to rub it gently.

“Oh, come on. Just a quick run,” he grinned.

“Not until all of your memory comes back. What if you forget how to drift?” I countered.

“Me? Forget how to drift?” he asked through a chuckle, letting some of his cocky, confidence shine through.

“We’ll just wait and see what your doctor has to say on your next visit,” I compromised with him.

He sent me a playful glare. I just smiled and reached up to give his lips a soft kiss. Once we parted, Porsche came over, shutting the car off right in front of us. Bobby also came over, chancing some looks from Papa Foust.

“I forgot how much fun that was!” she grinned brightly as she climbed out.

“When’s your next competition?” Tanner beamed, gloating over his daughter.

“Um… I don’t… know,” Porsche stumbled over her words as she ran her hand through her hair.

“She took some time off since your accident,” I chimed in.

“Well, I’m back to normal…” he started to say, but was quickly cut off.

“About as normal as not remember anything can be,” Porsche muttered.

“Some things are still fuzzy. But I know the basics. I’m not forgetting much,” he pressed on, making me feel uneasy. The look Porsche was giving me didn’t help at all either!

“And plus, I wanted to be around to help when the baby comes,” she spoke up, still looking at me with this menacing gaze to her.

“I think Ellie and I have that covered. You worry about you,” Tanner replied, hooking an arm around my shoulders.

Porsche just nodded her head and then looked at Bobby. A smile came over both of their faces. I think I’m missing something there. But it’s none of my business. I’m not about to over step anything. Especially with her knowing such a huge secret about me that Tanner has yet to re-find out.

All of us spent the rest of the day watching Porsche go through sets and sets of tires. Tanner seemed to be in Heaven. The only way it could have been better for him were to be if he were the one actually in the car. But I didn’t feel like that was such a good idea.

I made sure to watch what I said though. Tanner was occupied in the car that was screeching around the track. There wasn’t too much I had to worry about with him. As long as he didn’t try to sneak into the car, he was fine. Porsche was the one I was worried about.

With Tanner seeming to start to slowly come around to everything, I was so fearful that she would get in one of her pissy moods and just ramble things… things that wouldn’t be good for Tanner and I. You know the whole… baby not being Tanner’s thing? But… we have Tanner’s best interests in mind right? And it’s in his best interest not to find out about that right now… or so I like to think. I’m just not so sure Porsche thinks the same way.
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WOOOO Update :D I only seem to write about TFoust anymore lol
