So Easy to Love


Bobby and I have been actually boyfriend and girlfriend for two months now. He stays over occasionally, and tonight is no exception. I was sleeping peacefully until my phone started ringing very loudly. I groaned loudly and rolled over, grabbing it off the table, seeing that it was my dad. He had very recently gotten his memory back, although he doesn't remember the accident very well.

“It's one am.” I mumbled into the phone.

“Ellie is in labor!” He said quickly. I shot up and out of bed, telling him I would be there soon. I threw a pillow at Bobby while I started getting dressed.

“what....” Bobby whined, burying his face deeper into the pillows.

“My step-mom is having her baby now. Let's go.” I said, tugging the sheets off.

We were out of the house within another ten minutes, speeding down the highway to get to the hospital. When we got there, the nurse gave me a hard time, telling me that I couldn't go in until the baby had been born. So, I waited for nearly two hours until the stupid nurse came back and told me that I could finally see them. Bobby followed closely behind me as we walked in. Ellie was sitting up in the bed, holding a tiny little baby in her arms, my dad standing next to her with a huge smile.

“What is it!?” I asked excitedly, practically bouncing around the room.

“It's a boy.” My dad said with a smile.

“Porsche, this is Bentley.” Ellie said. I smiled as she held him out to me. I took the tiny bundle of blankets in my arms and gently tickled him with my finger. He grabbed it tightly and looked up at me with very bright blue eyes.

“You're named after a car, just like me.” I said, kissing his little head.

“He knows who his older sister is.” Ellie said with a smile. I gently gave him back to her and latched onto Bobby.

“So, do you think you're used to labor now?” I asked, teasing her.

“Hmmm, just as painful as last time.” She said with a small laugh. She looked over and smiled at my dad before looking back at me. “Does your boyfriend wanna hold him?” She asked. Bobby looked terrified at the very thought of it.

“Come on, tough guy. There's nothing with you holding a baby.” I said, nudging him a little.

He did it without any word. But damn, it was the cutest thing I ever saw, a huge hockey player holding this tiny little baby. Bentley seemed to really like him too. My dad seemed a little bit tense at first but Ellie squeezed his hand and he seemed to relax a little more. The nurses came in and said they needed to take him to the nursery for now. As soon as they left the room, I asked to talk to Ellie privately. My dad and Bobby stepped outside and I took my place on the bed next to Ellie.

“So, he's here, in the world.” I said, making her smile.

“I'm so happy.” She said.

“Maybe you should......get another DNA test done. I mean, it would be so much more accurate now that he's.......well, fully formed.” I said. She let out a long sigh and looked down.

“It's probably Zak's, Porsche. I know you don't want it to be, but I already had a test done.” She said.

“It doesn't hurt to get another one done.” I said, making her look up. “Please?” I asked. She stared at me for a moment before leaning her head back.

“I guess it wouldn't hurt.” She said. I smiled and patted her shoulder gently. She smiled back and looked at the door briefly. “ and Bobby are pretty serious, huh?” She said, making me blush.

“Yeah......” I said, feeling my face get redder.

She smiled and we let the boys back in, just in time for baby Bentley to come back as well. Our happy little family was coming together again. The only thing missing was a DNA test and my other little brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha :)


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