Status: ACTIVE - updated every Wednesday :)

Stories Yet To Unfold

Observant Learners

I swear I sat in that light green guest room for an hour before actually getting up. My nerves were at the ultimate high – especially with me being so scared of a situation turning awkward.
Once I actually did? I put my brown hair into a bun and walked out of the room with my tank top and shorts.

Jeff was sitting at the tan table with a cup of what I guessed what was coffee. Once he noticed me, he smiled. “Morning, Melissa.”

His warm greeting gave me the courage to continue into the kitchen/dining room he had set up. I then pulled out the chair across from him and sat down. “Morning, Jeff.”

“Do you want something to drink?” he asked after he took another sip of his drink. “I have apple juice, milk, coffee- if you drink that.”

“Um, can I have juice please?” I questioned softly. “I’m kind of thirsty.”

“Of course,” he told me as he got up immediately to give me the juice I asked for. I tried to take note of where he found the cup so I could know it when I wanted something to drink later on.

He set the drink in front of me and watched me take a sip before continuing. “So, I have to do a gig later tonight for the boys you met last night, would you like to come?”

“A gig?” I asked. “For what? I mean, what do they do?”

“Oh,” he began. “The four closer to your age are in a band called All Time Low. Tonight is a show of theirs. They’re really excited because they don’t get gigs very often.”

“I can come and help out if you want,” I suggested. “Or at least learn more about you. I don’t know anything.”

He gave me a big smile. “Well, what do you want to know, kid?”

“I don’t like asking questions, I’m more of a visual learner – observant,” I shrugged. “I know that’s sounds weird, but it’s true.”

“No, no,” he assured. “I’m the same way actually. I’m kind of a shy person, like you.”

I blushed slightly. “I am for the most part, yes.”

He chuckled slightly before picking up our empty glasses and putting them in the sink.

All four of the boys got out of the white van before me. A slight pounding in my head was apparent because of their enthusiasm. Who could blame them, though? If I was going for one of my only gigs, I would be more than excited to be there and play it.

“I told you that you could’ve had shotgun, Melissa,” Matt chuckled. “You look like you just endured 7 hours of torture from just those 15 minutes.”

I giggled slightly. “They were just overpowering at times, that’s all.”

We walked in to the smelly bar and I coughed from the amount of lingering smoke. As I looked around, I realized that it was clearly an adult bar and not the teenage one that I expected they would be playing at.

Before I knew it, it was time for them to perform. I could tell that all three had immense nerves – even if it was in a place where only a few people cared about their performance. I smiled and got the courage to speak to them. “You guys will do fine, I’m sure of it.”

Each smiled at me; Jack hugged me in a tight hug before Flyzik introduced them and they walked out on the stage. A round of applause was sounded as Jeff got the lights ready in the spot next to me. Matt gave us a nervous look before they began to play their first song.

The set included seven songs and each I liked more than the last. My favorite had to be Memories That Fade Like Photographs though. They explained that their EP – Three Words To Remember When Dealing With The End – was available, and that their new album would be out soon.

Each one came out with their sweaty bodies and happy faces. Even after they left the stage, the clapping continued, and it was more than the polite ones you heard at school concerts. I spoke. “You guys did a great job.”

“Really, you think so?!” Jack asked as his grin only grew wider and he pulled me into a hug. “Thanks, Melbell!”

“Melbell?” Alex questioned. “What the fuck is that?”

“It’s the nickname I just gave Melissa,” he stated proudly before looking at me. “Is it okay if I call you that?”

“Oh, yeah,” I shrugged. “It doesn’t bother me.”

“Well, I want a nickname for you too, Melissa!” Alex pouted stupidly.

“You guys, stop harassing her and let’s get going,” Rian pushed them along. “You guys are fucking creepy.”

I chuckled as Rian smiled and Zack then began to talk. “You can call them whatever you want. Asshole, dickhead, fucker – it’s all the same really.”

I laughed louder as Matt led me through backstage and to the front of the place. More claps were sounded as the boys came into sight. A few people bombarded Flyzik with requests for their EP as the boys continued on.

“Hey, Rian, take Melissa so she doesn’t get caught up in this,” Matt demanded.

The crowd only got bigger as Rian grabbed onto my hand and we walked out of the building
swiftly. We stepped out to see Jack and Alex fighting over something stupid that I couldn’t understand and Zack helping Jeff get the equipment in the back.

“I figured out a nickname,” Alex mentioned excitedly. “I’m calling you Melly, if that’s alright with you.”

“That’s fine,” I pushed some hair out of my eyes. “Whatever floats your boat.”

“Well, what’d you think of it?” Jack questioned out of the blue. “Did you like us; did you like All Time Low? Huh?”

“You guys were great, actually, I loved the whole thing!” I complimented them. “Do you guys do acoustic songs?”

Each smiled as Alex replied. “We actually don’t, just acoustic versions of some songs, why?”

“I was just curious because I play some acoustic guitar,” I mentioned.

“Really?” Zack asked; making me realize that he was now back in the conversation. “You should come over sometime so you, Alex, and I can play.”

“Uh, sure, I’m not that good though,” I blushed. “But, maybe you guys could, um, teach me?”

“Of course,” Zack assured me.

“How about tomorrow?” Alex suggested. “Jeff can drop you off or something and we can play around. We need to come up with some new songs anyway. Another brain might help us out,

“Uh sure, I’ll just need to ask Jeff if I can is all,” I noted.

“Jeff!” Alex yelled to him. “Melissa is coming over to my house with Zack so we can play
guitar tomorrow!”

He nodded as we all piled into the van to head back home. It was already nearing midnight and I was actually a bit tired from everything still. On the brightside, I guess I was going to be going to Alex’s the next day to play guitar with him and Zack.
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Hey guys! Sorry this took a while to update - some family issues were occurring that I'd rather not speak about. But, I'm back and it's all good :). Thank you so much for all the comments and subscribers I'm getting - please, please keep it up :). I really am starting to love this story and I hope you are too! Next chapter will be the guitar session with Alex, Zack, and Melissa.

P.S to Amanda: Melbell was assigned for Jack because of you ;).