Status: WIP


Chapter One.

It was around 9:30PM and I had just gotten off of work. After I grabbed my things out of my locker from work I took my keys out of my purse and started to walk towards the door. I got to my car and unlocked it and got in. I took my blackberry out of my pocket and checked all of the unread messages. 'Holy shit.' I said out loud after I saw I had 15 unread messages. 13 of them were only from facebook and twitter so I quickly glimpsed at them before I deleted them. Then I looked at the other 2 from my best friends Adam and Bobbie. I checked both of the messages.
'DANIELLE!! I don't know what to do anymore. I need to talk to you!'-Bobbie.
'Hey buds. What are you doing tonight?'-Adam. I texted Bobbie back first.
'Hey, what’s wrong? Sorry I didn't respond earlier. I just got off work.'-Me.
'Jake and I are fighting real badly again. And he broke up with me once again and I didn't even do anything wrong. He just freaked out on me and just ended It.'-Bobbie.
'Aww, well you two will get back together in no time. He is just being stupid right now. You never know what is going on in his life that he never told you.'-Me.
'Well I mean he sounded pretty serious when he broke up with Me.'-Bobbie.
'Well I would just give him some time, because you know for a fact he always comes around on his own. He is gonna realize he was an idiot.'-Me.
'Yeah I guess you’re right. But are you doing anything tonight? I could use a girls night.'-Bobbie.
Right after I read that I realized I forgot to text Adam back.
'Ummm Adam texted me asking what I was doing tonight, cause I think he wanted to hang out. I will tell him that I am gonna hang out with you cause you could use a friend. He will understand.'-Me.
'Hey, sorry it took me soo long to reply I just got off work, and Bobbie texted me cause her and Jake are fighting again. She wanted me to come over cause she could use a friend.'-Me.
'Oh alright. Well when are you off next?'-Adam.
'I actually have off tomorrow. Wanna chill?'-Me.
'YESSSSS! :)'-Adam.
'Alright, well it’s a date.'-Me.
'Alright, do you want me to let you go?'-Adam.
'Nah. Its fine.'-Me.
'Alright well I have to go home and grab a few things and get changed. Then I'll come over. Okay?'-Me.
'Alright sounds good.'-Bobbie.
After I read that text I realized I was still sitting in my works parking lot. So I turned the car on and drove to my house. When I pulled into my driveway, I put the car in park and turned the car off. I pulled the keys out of the ignition and kept the keys in my hand and got out of the car. I walked up to my door and unlocked the door and walked inside. I was inside for about ten minutes. I told my mom where I was going and she told me to be careful, and I walked out the door. I got back into my car and picked my phone up and realized I had one unread message from Adam.
'Well I think I'm gonna go lay down cause I'm not feeling too great. So just text me or call if you need anything.'-Adam.
'Alright, I'm heading over to Bobbies now. So ill text you later. Feel better! <3'¬-Me.
'Okay I will try, and tell her I said hello. Have fun. :) <3'-Adam.
'Will do.'-Me.
I stuck the key in the ignition and started the car and drove off. About five minutes later I get to Bobbies house and I call her and tell her that I was there. She told me to just come in. SO when I got out of the car I grabbed my purse and cell phone and locked the door. I got to her door and I opened the door and her dog Shelby greeted me at the door. I pet her and walked downstairs to Bobbie’s room. I heard talking behind the door, so I knocked and pushed the door open. When the door opened I saw Jake and Bobbie sitting on her bed talking.
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Well this is the first chapter. I havent written a fanfic in years so im a little rough. But i hope you all like it. let me know what you think. (: