Status: in progress, will update when i can :) summer story


Rebel Love Song

Racing faster.
Escape disaster.
Partners in crime will leave their mark.
We make our own way.
No thoughts of yesterday.
Black hearts of chrome and battle scars.
The legacy.
Born from a dream.
On leather wings.
Cross from the streets.
With our hands on destiny.
We came from nothing.
But promise one thing.
We'll change the world with these guitars.
So listen closely.
And don't stop working.
No one can tell you who you are.
(Tell you who you are)

I couldn’t believe my eyes. As I watched the video for ‘The Legacy’ by Black Veil Brides, I couldn’t believe that that is Andrew, my Andy. He’s changed a lot, but in his face, I still see the high school Andy I always knew.
I gave up everything for him. My life in high school after he left was just as shitty as his. I didn’t always love Andy the way I do now. Andy and I used to be on the total opposite sides on the high school scale. Back in the past, I had everything, friends, boys, and the newest clothing. But what I didn’t have was a true friend or a real boy that loved me for me and not because I was just easy or a good fuck.
When Andy and I met, it was our junior year. I remember the day I first met him.
I was fed up with my ‘friends’ bullshit and I went to sit outside in the courtyard. No one ever sat out there, always in the cafeteria. Sure there was always your average loner sitting by themselves but I didn’t really care about their company at that moment. I found a tree to sit and slid down to the ground. I looked all around me, just admiring every leaf that was hung by a stem on the branches. It was peaceful out here, no constant chattering in my ear.
I looked around and I noticed someone I didn’t see there before. A boy was sitting right beside me against the same tree. Why I didn’t see him before I do not know. He had his knees brought up to his chest and his head sat on top. He has his headphones in with his eyes closed like he was sinking in the lyrics. He was fairly pale, and had shoulder length choppy black hair. He had his lip pierced as well, which not to admit was pretty cute. I tapped him on the shoulder for some damned reason. He snapped his eyes opened and whipped his head around to look at me.
“What?” he asked. His voice was so deep, almost sexy in a way. Crap. Now what? I tried to get his attention for what?
“Um, are you okay?” That was a lame question to ask him. I guess it was better than nothing right?
He looked confused by my question. I think he was fighting with himself about answering me.
“Yeah, are you?”
“No.” I plainly stated. Truth was, I wasn’t alright. I downgraded myself to Tina’s image. Tina was the ‘queen’ of the school. She was well known for sleeping around and giving out free hand jobs. Not blow jobs because she claims she has too much class for that.
“I’m Andrew but my friends call me Andy.” He stuck out his hand.
“Annabelle but you can call me Anna.” I shook his hand.
“I’ve never seen you at school before though Andy, not to be mean.”
“I stay out of the way a lot, I try not to get noticed but somehow the people I don’t want to see me always find me one way or another.” He gave out a light chuckle like he was hiding some internal joke.
“What’s the matter though?” he asked. He looked genuinely concerned but I didn’t know if I wanted to tell him. I mean, I have never met this boy before yet he’s been in the same school as me, and now he just appears and we just have a casual conversation.
“You don’t have to tell me, I understand, I mean I’m a weird kid who you’ve never met before.” He smiled and spoke as if he read my mind.
“Yeah, maybe one day Andy.”
The bell rang signaling lunch period was over. I got up and grabbed my bag and put it over my shoulders.
“Hey, you wana ditch last period?” he asked hopefully.
“Maybe next time Andy, maybe then we can get to know each other better.” I gave him a hopeful smile, which he returned.
“Yeah, okay. Well, see you around then Anna.” He started walking away towards the student parking lot.
“Bye Andy!” I shouted. He turned around and gave me a smile.

When I first met him, Tina and her other friends didn’t like him or his kind as they so nicely put it. I never saw anything wrong with him though. Obviously he had a different personality and a whole ‘I don’t give a shit attitude.’ Also, he wore make up and dressed more individualized than the rest of us but he just stood out.

I did end up ditching with him a couple days later though. I can honestly say it was the most fun I have ever had. He drove us to a park near the edge of town and we just swung on the swings and played on the teeter totter. It really brought out the little kid inside of me. We actually talked about some things and our feelings. I learned that day that Andy got teased and bullied a lot, I never saw it though. It made me sad to know that kids in high school would stoop to such a level of amusement and pull that shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, the first chapters up, obviously.
But please tell me what you think or anything i need to improve on.

</3 -G