Dude's a Chick.


For those thinking pervertedly, that like my balls hung out or something. No, not at all. Though, that would've been more my style and hilarious. Instead, she pulled off the hair extensions. I laid there, on the ground with my short hair and everyone staring with awe.

"Lukas?" Nikole was hurt, her voice was barely audible and it sounded like she was going to cry, but she ran off.

"What the hell?!" Pamela gasped, as Chelsea got off me. She held the extensions in her hand then shifted her eyes to me. Obviously she felt stupid, assuming things about me that never happened. Maxine stood there with a guilty expression as Gaby narrowed her eyes. I stood up and received a slap from Gaby.

"I can't believe you!" She screamed then chased after Nikole. Chelsea slowly handed me the hair, rubbed the back of her head, and looked away.

"Sorry for assuming." Chelsea apologized. "But not for beating you up, you deserved it." She added and walked off. Pamela joined her. The guys and Maxine stood there, staring at me.

"Well, that was interesting." Jacen coughed, as Tristan started laughing.

"Man, she straight up yanked off yo weave!" Tristan mused, receiving disapproved looks from everyone.

"I still don't believe you." Maxine hissed, walking off. I took the bikini top off, along with the sweater. I stood there wearing the faded jean shorts feeling gay.

"It's probably best you go get your stuff." Skyler advised, at which I nodded.

"Yeah." I agreed, with a sigh. All the guys followed me to the cabin and once we opened the door, we saw the girls. I paused, slowly creeping out.

"Luke." Nikole called, at which the girls shook their head. But she gave them a look and they all got up, walked past me and left.

"I'm just getting my-" I started but she shook her head.

"Let me speak." She demanded, standing up and staring at me. "I can't believe you did this shit. I can't believe I didn't notice! I knew there was something off, I knew you looked like you. I just... I couldn't believe you'd go this far. What's wrong with you? You let me tell you things I didn't tell the others, you deceived me, Luke."

"Ni-" I started but she shook her head.

"Just tell me it wasn't a dare." She begged, her eyes watering with every second that I didn't reply. "I'm just a joke to you." She whispered and left the room, slamming the door behind her. I quickly rushed over, and slammed my fist against it when I realized it was locked.

"Open up." I plead. No reply. I took in a deep breath, went to my room and grabbed some of my real clothes. I changed and wiped off all the silly make up. I stared at myself in the reflection and had to look away. Nikole wasn't supposed to find out. I opened the door and walked out, leaving a note for Maxine that she can have all her stuff back. I bumped into Ace, whom didn't look too good.

"Hey man." He mumbled, holding his face and leaning against a wall.

"Don't talk to me." I growled.

"What the fuck is your problem?" He hissed.

"You tried raping me in the bathroom." I spat, causing him to look at me, confused. "Remember this voice?" I did my girl voice, causing him to pause.

"You're what everyone has been gossiping about?" He laughed. "Wait... Fuck. Why didn't you tell me? I'm not a homo, man... I wouldn't even have tried anything if I would've known."

"Yeah, well fuck you for cheating on Maxine." I growled, with my hands in my pockets.

"Least I don't dress up as a girl, fag." He retorted.

"I should kick your ass like I did in the bathroom." I threatened and he laughed.

"Maxine would never talk to you again." He chuckled. "Not that you had a chance anyways."

"She isn't talking to me now, so I don't give a fuck." I removed my hands from my pockets when the guys showed up.

"As much as I would love to see this." Kaleb commented, glancing around. "Maxine is already pissed off, along with the others. We should just leave."

"Wait, Aly is you. Then that means Maxine lied to me this whole time." Ace hissed.

"Yeah, she's been seeing another guy the whole time." Tristan laughed. "Funny shit. The girls are pissed because Luke was a girl, and you're pissed because yo girl has been chillin with a supposed girl that's really a guy that's more attractive than you are even when he's a guy or girl. Also, yo girl waxed his legs and balls. Take that!" That's when we yanked Tristan and all of us went to Tristan's van.

"I'm not going." Kaleb muttered, as everyone tossed their stuff inside.

"What do you mean?" I inquired, getting defensive.

"Everyone knows that I'm Nikki's best friend, Luke. She needs me right now." Kaleb answered. I felt angry as I watched Kaleb wave at us all and head back to the cabin's. I was about to go tackle him, but Skyler placed a hand on my arm and calmly lead me inside of the van...
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this chapter for Maverick (whom has the same name as my beloved dog that passed away RIP) when she commented and asked for another chapter please, since she doesn't like cliffhangers. I owed that much. :) Since I don't update often, with work and all. Plus it's nice having people comment. Thank you to the others as well, it means a lot to me. And sorry this chapter is so crappy...

I must ask again;

Team Maxine.
Team Nikole.

Decisions, decisions. ^___^

ps listening to Space Bound by Eminem. :) Good song... <3