Dude's a Chick.


"Nikki's fine." Kaleb's voice came through the phone.

"Bet she is." I rudely replied, with a roll of my eyes and took a big hit from my cigarette.

"What's your problem?" He snarled, and I heard a door close.

"I bet you're going to fuck her, or already did huh?" I assumed, taking another big hit before exhaling.

"What does it matter to you, Luke? Thought you didn't like her." He retorted, at which I growled.

"It doesn't matter. Do what you got to do." I stated, breathing in the toxins that relaxed my body and mind.

"What ever, Luke. Quit being an asshole, and maybe one day you'll get a girl that you actually deserve." Kaleb hissed, then the line went silent. He hung up on me. I groaned and shoved my phone in my pocket. I leaned against a nearby car and continued smoking.

"Hey." I jumped at the abrupt voice and saw a shadow. "You do realize this is a no smoking zone, correct?"

"I didn't." I answered, immediately putting my cigarette out.

"Oh, so you're just going to leave it there as well?" The voice asked.

"Hey, what's it to you? I've had a bad day, okay? Almost got raped, I don't have any hair on my body, my friend broke his nose, and the girl I love is going to get fucked by my best friend. So why don't you go bother someone who actually gives a damn, and leave me the fuck alone." I demanded, when light was flashed in my eyes by a flash light.

"Really now?" The obvious cop replied. "I'd like to see some ID."

"Ugh." I stammered, bending down and picking the butt up. "I don't have it on me right now, it's at my house."

"Likely story, put your hands up, lean against the car and spread them." He demanded, at which I did. I leaned against my palms with my legs spread, and closed my eyes tightly.

"I'm so sorry, officer." I apologized repeatedly, to the point that he told me to shut up. Suddenly we heard laughing and the officer jerked to see my friends come up.

"What's going on?" Jacen asked. I looked over my shoulder at him and shook my head.

"Really Luke? More crap tonight?" Skyler groaned.

"Luke is your name?" The officer questioned, turning to me.

"Lukas Sir." I answered.

"Don't get smart with me." He spat.

"I'm not, my last name is Sir." I assured.

"He really isn't lying." Jacen added. Stupid Damien lit a cig up, standing a few feet away and watched.

"You do realize this is a no smoking zone right?" The cop asked, staring at Damien. Damien stood there with his mouth open, then quickly put the cig out. "ID please."

"Did we bring our ID's?" Skyler asked, glancing around at us.

"Officer, I have mine." Tristan informed, handing over his ID. "We all graduated the same time, and we're all the same age. I assure you."

"It is law to carry an Identification Card with you at all times." The officer stated. "I'll need some back up."

"On my way." We heard a response from the radio.

"Everyone, except you, get against the car." The cop instructed, he even pointed to the spots he wanted us to be at.

"We haven't done anything wrong." Jacen growled.

"It is almost midnight, and I'm not even sure if you're all adults." The cop answered, snapping his fingers. "Now against the car. Are you resisting?"

"No, sir." Jacen spat, standing right beside me. Tristan stood there with a smirk on his face.

"I guess I'll stay here with Zach, the doctor said he doesn't think I broke his nose." Zach was mainly talking to me.

"Please, sir. Step away and go back to your friend." Another cop showed up, a lady cop this time. She stood there with a smile, and then rested her eyes on me.

"Yes, ma'am." Tristan saluted her then started walking off.

"Make sure you and Zach have your phones on!" I screamed, then shut up once the male cop gave me a disapproved look.

"What do we have here?" The female cop inquired, observing the situation.

"Caught smoking, and no ID." The male cop answered, at which she snorted.

"He's been outrageous!" Jacen snarled, causing her to laugh even more. "Did you tell him the night we're already having?" He turned his attention to me and I nodded.

"I don't think this night could get any worse." I frowned, taking in a deep breath.

"You can tell me about it in the station." The female butted in, and put me in hand cuffs. She opened the door then put me, and Jacen in one car. The male officer took Skyler and Damien in his. "So tell me about it boys."

"Well, it all started with a dare." I began and by the time we made it to the station, she was laughing.

"That sounds like one crazy night," she said. I left out the alcohol part, of course. None the less, the story doesn't even need alcohol to make it outrageous.

"It's worse when you live it." Jacen added, as she opened the doors and helped us out. "Just glad that Luke doesn't look like a tranny." He snickered, and I chuckled a bit as well. Could you imagine? I'd get raped all night till we were bailed out by Bubba. The thought made me laugh even more. Even the female officer laughed for a bit, but then got serious.

"Well, all I'm going to need is your names, and someone to bail you out. I'll let you off with a warning on the smoking part, just make sure you pay attention to signs." She advised, opening a cell for us. She took the cuffs off, and lightly pushed us in. Skyler and Damien were already in there, glaring at me.

"If you didn't get butt hurt and leave, this all wouldn't have happened." Damien accused.

"If you guys wouldn't have been douches, this all wouldn't have happened." I mocked.

"Shut the hell up." Jacen demanded.

"No, fuck that. Now we're in jail. You know Zach wont bail us out, and Tristan will get lost even if they were going to bail us out!" Damien yelled, standing up. "And you! If you wouldn't have said anything, just gone along with everything. But no, your pride got in the way!"

"My pride? No, I wanted to let Maxine know that her boyfriend is cheating on her. Alright? Is that such a crime?!" My voice was so high pitched, it cracked a bit.

"It is! Make a fucking decision, do you want Maxine or Nikole?! It's not that hard! Instead you want them both!" Damien accused.

"You guys." Skyler started but we both glared at him.

"Don't try talking us out of this, you stay outta it and let us deal with this." Damien hissed then turned back to me.

"Who said I want them both? Who said I want either of them?" I growled.

"The bite mark on your neck, sure as hell wasn't me or Skyler when you were in your 'girl' form. And, you just talked shit about Kaleb fucking Nikole. So, either you're trying to play them both, or you're just a greedy motherfucker that can't make up his mind!" Damien ranted, his eye lid getting smaller and smaller.

"Why don't you worry about your own shit, Damien. Huh? Since when did you want Gaby? You're just leading her on to get pussy. Why? Huh? You that desperate to use her? She may be a bitch, but even you don't deserve her." I snarled. He screamed then rushed me. We both fell into the bars of the cell, and fell to the floor. I cover my face as he started hitting me. Some how I pulled my feet up and kicked him hard in the chest. He fell back and I got up.

"Hey!" One guard yelled, but the other one hushed him. I kicked Damien in the side, at which he grabbed my leg when I was on the third kick and I went tumbling down. Skyler and Jacen just watched us, moving out of the way when it was appropriate. Some how he was choking me, while my leg is on his face shoving his head down onto the floor and my hand filled with his hair.

"What the hell is going on here?!" We still didn't stop, even when we heard that females voice. Suddenly there was a force trying to yank us apart, and I still held onto his hair. A hand slammed into my arm and my grip loosened, while a sharp pain ran through my shoulder. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?"

"Sorry he just-" I started but she cut me off by putting a hand up.

"Not you." She hissed, then glared at the guards. "Why would you just let them do this?"

"Ugh." They both stammered, and suddenly Jacen started laughing. Then once Jacen laughed, Skyler laughed. Once Skyler laughed, Damien laughed. Once Damien laughed, I laughed. Once I laughed, the whole room was filled with immature boys laughs. The guards looked at Damien and I like we were retarded.
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:) Hope you liked this chapter. Tell me how you think the story is going, I love hearing opinions. <3