Dude's a Chick.

Fall apart.

Tristan and Zach surprisingly showed up, to bail us out. They looked our names up and made sure we were adults, then let us go. All of us quietly got inside the van and didn't say another word. Zach sat there with his nose wrapped up, arms folded and head facing the window.

"You all owe me." Tristan muttered, finally breaking the silence.

"We'll get jobs." I assured.

"I have one." Damien matter of factually answered. Everyone looked at him bewildered. "I work at that Mechanic shop."

"Oh nice." Skyler stated, with a nod of his head. So it was settled, we'd all get jobs like Damien did. If that's possible with this economy.


A week has passed. Damien works at the Mechanic shop still. Skyler works at a restaurant and is getting ready to take some classes. Tristan works for his father, as a Gardner or something. Zach got a job at the nearby Walmart. Jacen and. I, however, work at a gas station. We still have no idea what Kaleb is doing, at least I don't.

BEEP. BEEP. I slowly opened my eyes, and grabbed my phone, shutting the alarm off. I stretched, got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took a piss and turned on the shower, making it cold so that a certain thing will go away.

"Luke!" I heard my sister yell, obviously wanting to wake me up early as if I wasn't awake already. I waited by the door until she busted it open, going to my bed. I grabbed her shoulders and scared her.

"Yeah, I'm up." I laughed as she screamed. I grabbed my coat and walked out. The clouds covered the sky as I walked, and I felt the slight trickles. I received a text from Jacen, asking if I was working today. I replied a simple yes, and soon he was walking beside me, handing me a cigarette.

"Kaleb is doing good." Jacen quietly muttered, staring at the sky as we walked.

"That's good." I muttered. "Nikki his girlfriend?"

"No, just dating I think." Jacen honestly answered. My breath caught in my throat.

"So much for just friends." I whispered.

"Yeah, I guess Maxine and Ace aren't doing so good." He added, at which perked my interest.

"Did she finally realize she deserved better?" I inquired.

"Who knows." Jacen muttered, blowing out smoke. The rain started falling harder, and now my cig was soaked, so I just put it out. "Well, we get paid today. All of it goes to Zach."

"Yay." I sarcastically enthused, with a sigh. "It's what we owe to him, anyways."

"Zach's mom flipped out about what happened." Great.

"What'd she say?" I regretted asking.

"Well, she paid for the hospital visit and Zach can only go to work and home." He frowned, both of us walking in unison.

"The group is slowly falling apart." I sighed.

"Yeah, especially since Damien has been with Gaby this past week." Jacen sighed, kicking a rock.

"Guess we all grow up and go our separate ways sometime. Right?" I muttered.

"Doesn't have to be. Maybe if we had a reunion?" He suggested, causing me to chuckle.

"Hey everyone, it's been a week, way too long. Reunion time!" I mused, holding my sides as I laughed.

"Shut up." Jacen growled. "If you and Damien made up, maybe things would be different."

"Totally." I muttered, being an ass but really thinking it's true. Damien and I have our fights, but none has lasted a week before. Maybe I hit a nerve with Gaby, obviously he liked her more than we thought.

"Well time for work." He chuckled, opening the door. We both walked in and nodded at our coworkers. They returned the nod, logged off, grabbed their stuff and went to the back room. We both assumed their positions and got ready for a long, boring day.

A few hours passed, and it was boring. Suddenly the door opened, and our first customer came in. Kaleb and Maxine. I glanced away then went into the back room.

"Hey." Kaleb came over, handing over a twenty. "We need gas."

"Which pump?" Jacen asked, taking the money and ringing it up on the register.

"Luke." I heard and glanced over my shoulder at Maxine.

"Maxine." I replied, going to some of the drawers and organized the chips.

"I want to talk." She whispered, staring at the floor.

"What about?" I asked, shifting my eyes to her.

"Just...let me know when you get off work. Okay?" She whispered, at which I nodded. Just then, she caught up to Kaleb and they both left. Kaleb didn't even look at me. He didn't even talk to me. Such a weird feeling, knowing we're not on talking terms. Maybe Jacen is right, our group is falling apart. Maybe I need to man up? I took in a deep breath. What could Maxine possibly want to talk about?
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Awww, it'll get interesting after a while. Hopefully. :) I dont want it to be a dramatic story. lol.