Dude's a Chick.

Walking in the rain.

Work was slow. The weather made us lose business, which wasn't a big deal for me. I don't get paid on commission. But right now, our boss came in and handed us envelopes. It was checks, so Jacen and I decided to go cash these checks.

"Zach should be home." Jacen mumbled, glancing at his phone.

"Sounds good." I accepted his unasked offer to head to Zach's now. We both walked in silence, one hand in our pocket, and the other holding a cigarette as we made our way down the street. We put our cigs out, then went to the front door.

"Yeah?!" We heard, and the door opened to a shirtless Zach.

"What are you two doing here?" He quirked a brow, closing the door a little bit.

"What are you hiding?" I teased, causing Jacen to chuckle.

"Nothing. Now what is it?" Zach was on defense, which made us grin even more. Jacen shoved the door open and we saw the back of some naked girl.

"Zach!" She screamed, then rushed out of the room.

"Mommy not home?" Jacen grinned, both of us gave him a devilish look.

"We're not here to chill, so relax. Here, what we owe you." I explained, holding out the envelope of both our paychecks. "We combined them into one."

"Thanks, it's appreciated." He cleared his throat, glancing behind him. "And, don't tell anyone. Okay?"

"Oh, we will." Jacen snickered, as we both did an about face and headed back to our houses.

"Fuck you guys!" Zach hollered.

"The same way you fuck her!" I yelled back, at which Jacen and I howled with laughter. We continued our path until we made it to our street. "Hey, I've gotta head out some where. See you tomorrow."

"Where you headin too?" Jacen was always nosy, but we're both that way to each other. Comes with the territory of being best friends.

"Maxine's." I pulled my lips to the right corner of my mouth and sighed.

"Have fun with that." Jacen chuckled, shoving both hands in his pockets and trying to avoid the puddles.

"I shall." I whispered, pulling the hood to my coat over my head. I opened the white fence to Maxine's house and hurried up the steps to her porch, I pulled the hood down and shook my hair; trying to make myself look some what presentable. My finger pressed the button to the door bell once, and I instantly froze.

"Hello?" Her dad answered the door, giving me a warm smile.

"Ma-" I cleared my throat. "Maxine here?"

"Oh, no. She's out with Kaleb right now." He informed, glancing around. "Did you want a ride? It's raining fairly hard out there."

"I appreciate it, but I'll walk. You have a nice night." I politely declined and turned on my heel, then headed towards Kaleb's house. Maybe I should have texted her first, but oh well it's too late. My phone would get wet and I'm trying to get this done and over with while I still have the balls to do it.

"Lukas." Kaleb formally greeted after he opened the door.

"Kaleb." I nonchalantly replied, glancing behind him. "Maxine here?"

"Why?" He narrowed his eyes, looking me up and down.

"I need to talk to her." I shortly reply, staring at him now.

"She's hurting, Luke. Don't make her hurt even more." He hissed.

"Oh gee, what happened to just let her get hurt because her dumb ass is going to get hurt anyways, it'll be funny?" I sarcastically questioned, at which Kaleb rolled his eyes.

"You know what, Luke. Go away." He demanded, but I didn't budge. Instead when he tried to shut the door, I blocked it from shutting and forced my way inside.

"You know, Kaleb. I don't want our group dying. I'm sick of this bullshit drama. It's getting sick, and not the good kind. I miss bullshitting with my buddies, and having a good time. Hell, I'd re-wax my balls just to have the group back together for a single day. But you know what, if this is what everyone wants. Then okay." I sighed, turn around, when I heard Maxine's voice.

"Luke." She came out, shoving a speechless Kaleb out of the way. She followed me out to the sidewalk and folded her arms across her chest. I weakly smiled at her, taking in her appearance. A pair of tight black skinny jeans, a light gray spaghetti strap top, her eyeliner messed up, and eyes kind of puffy. Her hair down and getting soaked by the rain. That's when I realized she wasn't wearing a sweater and pulled mine off, wrapping it around her.
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Awww... :) Comments would be adored. <3