Dude's a Chick.


"Why didn't you text me?" She questioned, snuggling into my sweater with a warm smile. That was as much appreciation as I needed.

"I forgot." I shrugged, trying to prevent the small grin from appearing on my face. The drops of rain were getting bigger, but neither of us cared. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I want to apologize." She furrowed her brows, staring at the floor then slowly lifted her head up and shifted her eyes to mine. Her hair stuck to the sides of her face, and she never looked more beautiful. "I should've believed you."

"It doesn't matter." I assured, slowly taking a step forward.

"No, it does matter. It matters a lot. Because, I should have believed you. But, Ace and I are still together." She dropped the bomb and I felt my heart sink. "I wasn't any better than him, when I tried to jump your bones and bit you."

"Is that what he told you?" I growled, narrowing my eyes.

"Luke." She whispered, and I shook my head.

"Answer the question!" I demanded.

"It doesn't matter!" She screamed back. "What matters is it's true! I was being a slut that night! I was going to do the same thing!"

"Oh, so you're just a slut then. Right? You do that to any hot guy, right?" I spat, looking at her with disgust.

"What?" She growled, intensely staring into my eyes.

"You try to fuck every hot guy like he does with what he thinks are hot chicks, right?" I repeated, my face relax and tone calm.

"Fuck off." She hissed.

"What? Don't like the fact you know what you and him did are completely different. You have feelings for me, Maxine. You cant deny those feelings. He doesn't have any feelings for those chicks." I hollered after her, suddenly thunder boomed and she turned around glaring at me.

"How do you know his reasons? Huh?!" Her voice cracked in and out as she came over to me. She shoved me back, then shoved me again. "How can you judge him?!"

"Because I'm someone he tried fucking, that he doesn't even know! Someone he didn't even know was a guy the whole time! The boy doesn't deserve you Maxine!" I yelled back, heated and uncaring that I was raising my voice to a lady.

"Oh and you think you do?" Her voice was low to the point that question affected me worse than it should have. I didn't reply, instead I leaned against the car she had shoved me into. "You think you of all people deserve me, Luke? Is that what you're saying? When you're trying to get with Nikole. When you wont even admit to anyone your feelings for anyone? Huh? Who are you, Luke, to judge him or me or anyone?"

"I am someone that cares about you, Maxine. I would die for you if someone gave me the options of me or you living. I want what's best for you." I admitted, staring into her eyes with sincerity.

"And you think you're what's best for me?" She furrowed her brows, I couldn't tell if it was a tear or just rain that keeps falling down her face, but the look in her eyes showed she was going to cry soon if she hadn't already.

"I don't." I reply in a whisper. I pushed against the car so that I was standing straight and looked down at her. "I'm not even worthy to be your friend." That's when she got quiet and looked away. Leaving me confused.

"That's what I needed to talk to you about." She muttered, slowly shifting her eyes up. But instead of looking at me, she stared at my shirt. "I can't be friends with you anymore, Luke. I can't keep this going. This pain, this fighting...this us."

"Maxi." I whispered, feeling my heart hurt as if a big chunk was being ripped out right now.

"I haven't talked to you in a week, because I needed to see if I could do it. Ace and I are going to work on things, my life is slowly going back to normal. If you and Kaleb work things out, good. I'm happy. I'll see you occasionally, be cordial. But at the end of the day, I live my life. You live yours." Her voice didn't sound happy about this, so why was she doing this?

"Look me in the eyes, Maxine." I demanded. "Look me in the eyes and say it."

"I can't." She cried out, taking my sweater off and shoved it against my chest. I took that opportunity as a moment to grab her arm and yank her to me.

"Do it, Maxine! If this is what you want then you should be able to do it without a problem!" I screamed at her, feeling her flinch, watching her body jerk as my voice got higher and higher. "Damn it, Maxine. Give me that respect! Do it!"

"No!" She screamed, jerking her arm free and ran back inside Kaleb's house. I stood there, on the side walk, in front of Kaleb's house, and just stared at the front door where she entered... leaving me alone.
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Awwww... Sorry for the sad updates... I wonder why it went from happy to sad hahaha maybe it's because life isn't always so happy? Hmmm... We shall see where this story goes. >:D