Dude's a Chick.

Shaving legs.

That morning, I lifted my head and bumped it against something, realizing I fell asleep under the coffee table. I slowly rolled out from under it, and glanced around.

Tristan's upper body is on the floor, while his lower body is on the couch.

Skyler is passed out in the coat closet, curled in a ball.

Kaleb is sleeping on the coffee table.

Damien is passed out on the kitchen floor.

Zach is sleeping on the stairs some how.

Lastly, but not least, Jacen is sleeping in the door way with the door wide open.

"Jacen!" I yelled, causing everyone to jolt up and groan.

"Go to sleep, Lukas." Kaleb demanded, curling in a ball.

"He's sleeping with the door open." I answer, causing Kaleb to sit up straight as if he were a Vampire that almost had a stake go through his heart.

"The fuck man, get up and close the door. Someone could've come by and killed us." Kaleb snarled, but when Jacen didn't reply, he got up and kicked Jacen sharply in the side. "If my neighbors tell my dad about this, I'm fucked."

"Sorry." Jacen slurred, slowly rolling inside the house. Kaleb slammed the door shut, locked it, then went back to the coffee table.

"Wait, why?" Kaleb thought aloud, then shoved the rest of Nathan onto the floor and laid on the couch. Suddenly someone popped in and giggled.

"I've got some great pictures of you guys sleeping." It was Gabrielle. I groaned and rolled my eyes in her direction.

"What are you doing here?" I sighed, laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

"What your sister cant come and see how you're doing?" She placed a hand on her hip.

"You're not my sister." I chuckled, disowning her.

"Psssh, mas well be." She shrugged, taking a seat next to me. "Plus, I figured you'd guys would give me some great shots for class."

"You enrolled right after graduation? Stupid." I harshly joked, and she sighed.

"Why are you such a dick, Luke? No wonder Nikki hates you." She spat, then stood up and walked over to the door. "Plus, I was here to let the guys know, excluding you of course, Luke-ass. That Nikole's party isn't just a party, it's going to take place at her dad's property by the beach."

"Hail yeeah!" Kaleb mimicked one of my common sayings.

"Yeah, I don't suggest you show up Lukas. I heard her cousins might throw you out, and not just a simple bouncing." Gaby added. I took in a deep breath and watched her leave, then the door closed after her.

"Damn that was harsh." Skyler yawned, with a stretch. "Don't forget what you're doing though."

"What?" I retorted, quirking a brow.

"You're going to be a girl, duh." He reminded, and both my brows furrowed.

"When the hell did this take place?" I was so confused. They're just messing with me, and slowly I grew angry.

"We even have video." Jacen abruptly joined the conversation and laughed. Sure enough, there's a video of my drunk ass agreeing, along with a contract that I signed.

"This isn't accountable, I was drunk!" I exclaimed and they all simply laughed.

"Fine, let Nikole win then." Skyler glanced at his nails.

"And show the rest of us that maybe you aren't the head honcho that we had thought." Zach added, causing me to growl.

"You guys suck." I sighed, slouching forward.

"That's what she said." Tristan joked. Everyone laughed even though it wasn't the best 'that's what she said' joke we've heard, still funny.

"Fine. Let's do this." I agreed, and they all cheered.

"I think Maxine left some clothes here." Kaleb stated, got up then rushed up stairs. I furrowed my brows.

"When was Maxine here?" I laughed, and the others joined.

"Don't question." He immediately hushed, coming back in the room. I glared at the skirt and tank.

"Hell. No." I was backing out now, no way in hell was I wearing that.

"Come on, Lukas. Just face it, your body is kind of feminine." Zach howled.

"You'd still fuck this." I winked, then turned my attention back to Kaleb.

"Man up." Skyler chuckled, and slowly I reached for the clothes.

"Give me some privacy." I said with a lisp, going into the bathroom. I slipped my pants and boxers off, then slid the skirt up. I glared in the mirror, and buttoned them. I grabbed the pink leopard print tank and slid that on.

"Come on man!" Jacen yelled, and slowly I opened the door, revealing a leg.

"The hair! Oh the hair!" Tristan howled, and everyone laughed. I came out and held my hands over my chest.

"I feel so vulnerable." I giggled, and everyone laughed.

"Dude, that's scary." Zach commented, and everyone agreed. I took in a deep breath.

"But a couple of things." Skyler coughed, gaining everyone's attention.

"What's that?" I tilted my head to the side.

"We need hair extensions, and...well." Skyler's eyes roamed to my legs then shifted back to my face.

"I'm not shaving my legs." I growled.

"Dude, come on man." Zach whined.

"No." I firmly repeated.

"So you're dressed like this, and not even going to fall through? Pointless." Skyler shook his head, and the other's joined.

"Fine." I sighed, going back in the bathroom. Kaleb entered with a razor, then turned the tub on running a bath.

"Enjoy." He evilly chuckled and left me alone. I stared at the razor as if it were venom, slowly I slid the skirt off and sat in the tub. I used my shaving cream for my face on my legs and hesitantly ran the razor over one section of my leg.

Soon my legs were shaved, and I even did my arm pits for good measure. I took in a deep breath, dried off, slipped the girls clothes back on and reentered the room.

"Happy?" I sighed, receiving howls from everyone.

"I'm so having my cousin come over and help." Kaleb grinned, already having his phone out and texting.

"This isn't funny." I mumbled, shifting my eyes away. "I feel out of my element."

"I think this will be awesome, and a way to get back at Nikole." Tristan wasn't cracking a joke for the first time? We all glanced at him with amazement. "What? It's true. She's always excluding Luke out of everything, for no reason. While everyone else wants him around. Heh."

"She probably finds it annoying that he's so loved." Skyler reasoned and we all nodded.

"True." I replied, feeling conceited. At the same time, it was the truth. Everyone loves me, and that did get old. But what's even worse is the fact Nikole, of all people, hated me with a passion. Was it out of jealousy? Or did I come off too strong for her when we grew up? I sighed at my thoughts then returned my attention to the guys .

"Maxine's on her way, she might be a bit grouchy, so you've been warned." Kaleb broke the silence, and we all took mental notes of the warning.
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:) So I've introduced some of the girls, I might add one more guy. Other than that, these should be the only guys in the story. I'm trying to keep original characters like I did in another story, where everyone was pleased knowing all the characters name and remembering them. Feedback would be nice. Thank you.