Dude's a Chick.

Make love, not ***.

Of course, a moment like this would be ruined... All because Tristan came rushing out with Valerie, both of them giggling.

"So, we're staying the night here." Tristan abruptly, drunkenly, announced holding a beer in the air.

"Do you mind?" I gave Tristan the 'look', but he just laughed.

"Don't worry, no worry. Yeah." He stumbled off with Valerie to the others. I rolled my eyes then looked at Nikki. She was sitting straight now, with her arms wrapped around her knees and staring at me.

"Is it true?" She questioned, biting her bottom lip.

"Is what true?" I retorted, tilting my head to the side.

"That you haven't slept with anyone else?" She took a while just to finally ask this question, and she couldn't look at me while asking.

"Yeah." I muttered, with a light chuckle. "That's random of you."

"I haven't neither." She abruptly laughed. "But."

"But?" I quirked a brow. Was this her way of making a move on me? Isn't this supposed to be the other way around?

"But, you did dress up as a girl and who knows what happened with you and Ace." She teased, at which I jumped on her. I pressed my body against hers, and stared into her eyes.

"Nikki, I'm not gay. Trust." I assured, kissing her neck. "I haven't slept with anyone because well... I l-"

"Woo!" Great. Another interruption. "Get some!" It was Kaleb, he was swaying and drinking a forty. "Don't mind me of course."

"Go away, Kaleb." I laughed, then turned my attention back to Nikole.

"You what?" She bit her bottom lip, not wasting any time to get back to our previous conversation.

"I...I did enjoy dressing up as a girl though, I mean shit. I turned myself on." I mused, with a wink. She rolled her eyes and looked away.

"I'm sure, silly." She giggled, then wrapped her arms around my neck. I wasn't going to let her make the first move, so I leaned forward touching our noses together. Then for a split second, I stared into her eyes before closing the gap.

Some how, we went from outside to inside. I picked her up, and carried her inside the house to an empty room. Tossing her on the bed, and locked the door behind me, listening to her giggle. I walked over to her, taking my pants off and kicking them away. I grabbed her from behind the head and kissed her passionately. This is the woman I love and want to spend the rest of my life with.

"Luke." She breathed out, as I lifted my shirt over my head. By now the sun was barely started to show, creeping through the window and allowing me to see Nikole.

"Nikki." I whispered back, taking a seat next to her. "Did you want to just sleep then?"

"No." She immediately answered, then closed her mouth. "I mean."

"Shh." I hushed, placing my finger on her lips. Then replaced it with mine, I pressed hard against her, and stood up again. I grabbed her shirt and roughly pulled it over her head. Once her shirt was on the ground, and her breasts were revealed with that leopard printed bra, I felt myself get excited more and more.

"What if someone comes-" She started to panic, but I shut her up with my mouth. She's always worrying about something, about someone. I unbuttoned her shorts and slid them off, leaving her in her netted stockings, thong, and bra.

"Why are you so amazing, Nikki?" I breathed out, as I stared at her eyes rather than her body. I wanted her to understand that this wasn't just a lust, she is perfect.

"I'm not." She uncomfortably shifted, laying back so that her 'gut' flattened. I knew why she did this, just because she wasn't a hundred and ten pounds or possibly twenty like Maxine, didn't mean she wasn't beautiful.

"But you are, you're the perfect package, Nikole." I sincerely continued, placing one knee on the bed. She propped herself up with her elbows and stared at me, as I straddled her. "You think because you aren't skin and bones, or a size A cup, that you aren't beautiful?"

"Luke." She whispered, but I shook my head.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." I insisted, running my hand through her hair. "If you were completely skinny like those other girls, then you wouldn't be so amazing Nikki. You wouldn't be the perfect package."

"Just fuck me already." She snorted, and I chuckled.

"I love the way you joke about things to make a situation lighten." I started, causing her to get quiet. "I love the way you just brush your hair and go, you don't even towel dry it completely and heaven forbid you use a blow dryer. I love the way you wear your eyeliner and some days you don't even wear it. I love the way you wear natural eye shadows, and not the weird colors. I love how you don't wear foundation. I love how your breasts aren't perfect, but that's what makes them so amazing, how they even have flaws but they're a nice handful each and just amazing. I love how your ass is round, and squishy and you only let certain people feel the beauty of it. I love how your hip bones show only when you lay down, and when you stand up, you have the full figure of a real woman, a woman I'd want to have my kids with. I love how you bite your lip when you're in deep thought, or when you're nervous. I love how you giggle at some of the worst times, because it's a natural reaction of yours when you don't know how to react. I love how you forgive people, even when they've treated you like shit and you know you deserve better. I love how you've been there for me, this whole time... I love your eyes, with the hints of green and brown like caramel apple. I love how you listen, and you just don't like to be the one talking. I love how you compliment me, with your amazing personality. Most of all... Nikole... I love you."

"Oh Luke!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me passionately. I leaned forward, and kissed her back, neither of us using tongue yet. She wrapped her legs around me, and pressed into me. My penis felt against her inner thigh, and I lowly grunted.

"Nikole?" I moaned out, breaking the kiss.

"Yeah?" She breathlessly answered.

"Do you want to make love?" I questioned, all the other times we ever had sex it was "fuck me" or "do you want to fuck". I treated her like dirt, like she was my own personal blow up doll, that she meant nothing. Now was the time for me to show her that she means more.

"Lukas." She bit her bottom lip, and stared me in the eyes. "I love you too."

That was enough of an answer that I needed. I stood up and pulled my boxers down, rubbing myself a little to get it going to the fullest. I looked around in some of the drawers, knowing that Valerie always has extra condoms laying around in each room.

"Fuck." I growled.

"What?" She laid on the bed, completely naked now.

"No condoms." I frowned, and she stared at me with pleading eyes.

"Pull out." She muttered.

"But." I muttered.

"Not like we haven't so many times before. Remember?" She weakly smiled. That was true, when her and I had sex, we barely used condoms. I told her that I'm fully capable of pulling out, that she shouldn't trip and let me do what I wanted.

"Alright." I returned the smile, pressing my lips against hers and pressed her down against the bed. I lifted her legs on my shoulders, causing her to gasp in anticipation. I forgot for a split second that this wasn't the animal sex that I was used to having with her, this would be different. I slowly switched the position, to where her legs were around my waist. I allowed her to move my penis in the right direction as I propped myself up with one hand, and with the other.. I ran it up her side, barely touched her breast and then made it to it's destination... Her hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
:) Awwww... Now they should be using condoms, really. I am not preaching about not using condoms, please know that STD's and unplanned pregnancies are at a BIG time high... So please, use condoms if you're going to have sex. When switching positions, always check the condom to make sure it hasn't ripped and ask the guy to pull out even with a condom on. No giving Blowjobs, they are NOT safer than having sex...

Another thing, there's something you guys have missed. I thought someone that commented on the story had figured it out, but nope... You should reread a few of the pages and try to figure it out... >:D lol