Dude's a Chick.

Official. No pills.

That morning was fairly interesting, or should I say afternoon. We all woke up and headed to the kitchen as a big group. The girls started making breakfast at two in the afternoon, as the guys were chilling. Jacen was outside alone, so I grabbed my cigarettes and joined him.

"What's wrong?" I inquired, handing him a cig.

"Nothing." He tried lying, but I know him too well.

"Bullshit." I hissed, lighting my cigarette.

"Fine, I think I'm going to get the morning after pill for Chelsea." He mumbled, looking away.

"No condoms in your room neither?" I frowned, staring up at the sky and blowing my smoke up.

"You didn't use condoms neither?" He inquired, with a light chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" I growled.

"It's just funny. We both smoke cigs at the same time, we lost our virginity around the same time, and drank at the same time, experimented with drugs, went to our first party together and everything. Imagine having kids too?" He has a sick sense of humor, to say the least.

"Shut up, Jacen." I growled.

"Especially with our firsts." He mused. Yes that's right, Jacen knows about Nikole and I losing it to each other. She thinks no one knew, but she was dead wrong. It was something I put behind me, because I was drunk when I told him and it was something he kept a secret to this day.

"I still cant believe you haven't moved on from Chelsea yet." I teased, taking a long hit then blowing the smoke at the sky again.

"Guess we never really move on from our first loves, aye?" His voice was so mono-tone, but sincere. It was an interesting side of Jacen that I rarely got to see.

"You love her?" I inquire, staring at him with shock.

"Why do you think after all the times you told me not to, I still did?" He chuckled.

"Even when she slept around though?" My face squished up in disgust.

"How many times have I slept with other girls?" He pointed out and I nodded. "Besides, she hasn't fucked anyone else aside from me in three months. We're planning on being faithful."

"Good luck." I mused, taking another hit of my cigarette then flicking it to where the ash fell.

"It's not a joke, Luke. I'm becoming a different man." He was being honest. Is this what the group has come to? Everyone getting girlfriend's and settling down? I furrowed my brows at the thought and smoked my cigarette. I glanced over my shoulder at Nikole, realizing I never did the deed of asking her to be my girlfriend before we had sex. I don't want things to be that way. I smashed the cig in the ashtray and slammed open the slider door.

"Nikole!" I hollered, causing her to stop.

"Luke!" She mimicked, rushing over and kissing me. She's wearing my shirt, and I'm just wearing boxers. Not that anyone cared.

"I should've asked you this a long time ago." I started, then got on one knee. Everyone in the room stopped and stared. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" She squealed, and I stood up, picked her off the ground and kissed her passionately.

"Gay." Tristan muttered. "Gay, Gay."

"Shush." Valerie giggled, hitting his arm then whispered in his ear.

"Okay everyone, we're going to eat breakfast as one big family. Then clean up, then I'm taking you all home okay?" Tristan announced, since when did he take any command on anything? That's when it hit me. We're all becoming adults. We're all changing.

Breakfast was pretty good, up until I noticed Kaleb wasn't here. I got up to go get my phone when Zach joined us with a female.

"I'm Yvonne." She introduced herself.

"So you're the girl from a few days or weeks ago." Jacen winked at Zach.

"Yeah." She blushed. "Zach said everything was cooling down so he invited me over last night."

"So I heard." I teased, rustling Zach's hair before continuing my journey to the room Nikki and I slept in last night. I called Kaleb but no answer, so I sent him a text that I'm worried and that he needs to get back to me asap. I went back to the dining room and smiled at everyone.

"Where is Kaleb?" Zach questioned, glancing around.

"Don't know, I just sent him a text though." I answered, at which Zach nodded. Everyone continued eating, and soon it was cleaning up time. Because Valerie said she doesn't want her "mom coming home to a mess" which we all know her mom isn't coming home. She left with a rich man, whom doesn't want Valerie in his life and so he pays for her to live in this place and stay out of his life. It sucks but it's true. It's been this way since High school.

"Drop me off at Nikole's." I instructed, at which Tristan nodded. I knew he was heading back to Valerie's, it was obvious with that stupid grin on his face. I opened the door for Nikki and helped her out, then walked her to the door.

"Last night was fun." She breathed out, grabbing her keys.

"Yeah." I muttered, instantly remembering what Jacen had said this morning.

"What's wrong?" She inquired, staring at me intensely.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Lukas." She growled.

"Well, I was wondering. If Jacen got the morning after pill, would you take one?" I didn't know how to ask so I just asked.

"Why? Did you not pull out?" She questioned.

"No, I did." I assured. "Just as a precaution."

"I don't trust those pills. Not even birth control. I dont know how Maxine does it." She muttered.

"What?" I furrowed my brows.

"Maxine, she takes birth control. But I mean, she had to get her prescription refilled like three months ago. Which is why Ace cheated on her and tried cheating on her with you, because she hadn't gotten it in a while and I guess he likes unprotected sex and she wasn't having that. But I guess this month she finally went to get it. Not sure, she has...haven't heard much from her lately." Nikki frowned, I just shrugged and kissed her.

"It's unfortunate for her, but I don't care about that. If you don't want to take any pill, I'm fine with that." I assured, kissing her neck, ear, nose then her lips.

"You're too amazing, Luke." She smiled, staring intensely in my eyes.

"As are you." I grinned, kissing her again then wrapped my arms around her. That's when she invited me inside, because no one is home right now. So we're going to watch movies and eat popcorn.
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Awwww... :) Nikki and Luke. <3 so to those that are team Maxine... hahaha but again, we shall see where this story leads us. Yes?