Dude's a Chick.

I know how to *** things up.

I made it to my house, and no surprise here. My parents were on the road again. I took in a deep breath when I heard the loud music coming from my brother's room. I slowly knocked on the door and waited, but surely he opened the door.

"What do you want?" He groaned, slowly moving to his bed and laying down.

"Hangover?" I quirked a brow, at which he shook his head.

"No, just tired." He corrected.

"Yeah. How's your break going?" I inquire, observing his room as I cautiously walked in.

"It's good. How's Nikki?" He retorted.

"Good." I narrowed my eyes, then saw an interesting looking bag on the floor. His eyes followed mine and he stood.

"So, you can leave now." He nervously pointed out.

"So, you can tell me what that bag is." I replied in the same tone.

"Since when do you care what I do?" He glared. "I thought you were cross dressing and messing with Nikole?"

"Where do you hear such crazy things?" I chuckled.

"You're popular, Luke. Everyone still talks about you at my high school. It's rather annoying, you've already graduated, they need to get over you." The jealousy was heard in the tone of his voice as he spat this at me.

"Not my fault that I'm loved." I stared at my nails, then slowly shifted my eyes to his. "I just wanted to say, if there's anything you need to talk about. I'm here."

"I don't need anything." He growled.

"Okay, if there's anything you want to talk about." I corrected myself.

"I don't want anything." He repeated. "From you, anyways."

"Okay fine, treat me like an enemy." I shrugged. "Least my conscious is cleared." At that I walked out of his room, and slammed the door behind me. If Nikole is pregnant, I vow that I'll be a much better Dad than I am a brother.

"Hey." I was surprised to see my little sister standing there.

"Yes?" I quirked a brow.

"My friend, is umm coming over. Okay?" She was nervous, but why?

"What's her name?" I retorted and she gulped.

"His." She corrected.

"Nope." I immediately declined and started walking to my room.

"Luke stop! You never care!" She screamed.

"More rather, you're only thirteen! Quit trying to grow up so fast! Trust me, I'm an adult. It's not that fun!" I yelled back, then slammed my door behind me. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. It's not that fun. I could find out I'm a father real soon. I'm going to be working two jobs. I miss being a kid...


"Dinner." I dryly announce, after making frozen pizzas and macaroni & cheese. I set the table and took a seat, resting my chin on my hands awaiting my siblings. "I said dinner!"

"We heard." My brother sluggishly came in the room, then sat in front of me. My little sister sat next to him, and neither of them looked at me.

"When do you guys start school again?" I quirked a brow, putting food on my plate. Silence. I filled my cup with coke while they filled their plates and silently ate. "Silent treatment, aye?"

"Yep." My brother belched.

"I didn't do anything." I frowned, my voice sounding very childish. There was a knock at the door, so I got up and got it.

"Hey." It was Nikki. "You said you were making dinner?"

"Isn't your mom making dinner?" I grinned.

"Well, my sister and her boyfriend are there. I don't feel like dealing with that tonight." She giggled, kissing my lips promptly. She walked inside and smiled at my siblings. "Nice family dinner."

"Rare, but pleasant." I agreed, escorting her to the table. "I've made plenty for you. I figured once I put my status up about dinner, some of the crew would head over. I'm surprised they haven't."

"They all have girlfriends now, you gotta get used to that kiddo." Nikki rustled my hair and put some macaroni on her plate. "So how are you two doing?"

"Great, and you?" My little sister answered, she loves Nikki with a passion.

"Good." Nikki returned the big grin and turned to my brother. He happens to like Maxine more. He has a thing for blonds.

"What?" He rudely hissed.

"Hey." I scolded, and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to my room to eat." He scoffed, standing up, grabbed his plate and went to his room.

"Good." I immaturely spat.

"I don't get why he hates me." Nikki frowned, staring at her plate.

"He doesn't hate you." My little sister corrected, matter of factually speaking. "He happens to like Maxine more, that's all. He doesn't see her around much, and he thinks it's because of you."

"How do you know this? I barely see you two even talking." I questioned, eying her down suspiciously.

"You barely see us at all, Luke." She casually replied, standing with her plate. "I, however, am going to my room. I've got an on line video chat running, since someone made it to where he couldn't come over."

"You're only thirteen!" I screamed as she headed towards her room.

"First crush?" Nikki teased.

"Shush." I rubbed the temples on my forehead and exhaled. "I don't think I'm ready to be a father."

"Well that wasn't random." She got on defense.

"No, I mean. Look, I've had to raise them both. It hasn't been easy. If I am, then I'll accept the position, least I've had experience. But, I'm not going to go praying for it." I mumbled the last part.

"Great, Luke. Just great. When before you were talking about fucking me to make it happen if it hadn't already!" She was over dramatic.

"No. Not really. Calm down." I plead and she shook her head.

"No, this is bull shit, Luke." She spat. "If I'm pregnant, don't worry. I wont tell you." Then she left the house. I stood up but she was already gone, she moved so fast. I stared at the empty room and then at the closed door. I really know how to fuck things up.
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Awww poor Luke. </3