Dude's a Chick.

Little sister's boyfriend.

First day of management. Oh the glory of wanting to commit suicide, but not after taking out a few employees first. I chuckled at my own devious thoughts, then grinned at the people who now has to run beneath me.

"Hey." I greeted, nodding at them all. "I don't have much to say, except yeah you know your jobs."

"Just like that?" Jacen chuckled. I shrugged and walked to the office, I went inside and sat down. My boss came in and we discussed how things are going to work. We planned the scheduling and he showed me how to run things around here.

"Enjoy." He told me after my lesson was done, fucking five hours worth! I groaned and rubbed my head, my brain was hurting from this. I walked to Jacen and leaned against the counter.

"You want to be management?" I offered, and he looked down at me with a bored expression.

"Not after seeing the expression that has hell written all over it on your face." He teased, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Thanks." I narrowed my eyes and stood up straight.

"Hi, I'm Brooke." A girl walked in, beautiful.

"Hey." I greeted, she proceeded to tell me how my boss set this appointment up. No wonder he left in such a hurry, he doesn't want to do the hiring. Figures. My first day and I'm put to a big test. Just great.


Well, I interviewed a few people and Brooke was honestly the best one. I mean sure, she is beautiful. But no, that's not the reason I picked her. She starts work tomorrow. I grabbed my coat, waved Jacen bye then walked home. My life was becoming fairly boring. I went home and checked my bank account, almost two thousand dollars in my account. I get paid three hundred dollars a week with this management position, almost four hundred. From a liquor store, who would've known. I mean, I used to get paid almost three hundred a week. Eight dollars an hour, six sometimes seven hour shifts and other days a full eight hours. Now I was getting plenty of hours.

"Hello." I greeted the attendant for the apartments I was looking at.

"Hi." She greeted, popping her gum.

"I wanted to know what your cheapest apartment is?" I questioned, taking a seat.

"Well, we have a one bedroom and bath. That is about seven hundred a month." She answered, giving me a paper hand out.

"Seven hundred?" I choked out, taking the paper. "That's like half my pay check." I frowned.

"This is a nice apartment, we aren't cheap. Security, and everything. Clean up crew. If you want to live in a three hundred to five hundred a month studios, no security, trash every where, in the ghetto. Go about five blocks away, but caution don't wear anything but black or maybe white. Blue or red isn't safe." She sarcastically informed, causing me to laugh.

"You're funny." I stood up. "Well, I'll get back to you."

"Sure you will." She rudely hissed, glancing back at her computer screen. Bitch. I read over the brochure, and studied the pictures of some of the places. Seven hundred, huh? Plus side, I don't have gas or auto insurance, which is also a bad thing considering I don't have said items. But that means more money, and less bills. Seven hundred wasn't sounding so bad after all.


"What took you so long?" Nikki was at my house, in my room, wearing only my shirt. I was cautiously entering in fear of a strike.

"I got good hours today." I yawned, laying down on the bed. "I had my first lesson to being management, hired some chick, went to some apartments."

"Chick? Apartments?" She quirked a brow, then straddled me. "Poor baby, you must be stressed."

"Does this mean you aren't mad at me anymore?" I inquired, relaxing as she massaged my back.

"I wasn't mad at you. Just had a minor blow up, that's why I left. To avoid arguing." She explained, leaning forward and kissing my ear. "I love you."

"I love you too." I chuckled, rolling over; which in result knocked her off me. I pinned her down and kissed her neck. "Seducing me for what occasion?"

"I'm not pregnant." She giggled. I tensed.

"Does this mean you're on your rag?" I frowned at which she laughed even harder.

"Bummer huh? You were waiting for sex and now you cant." She enjoyed teasing me so much.

"Or... I can take this into the shower." I threatened.

"Luke." Her voice became tense.

"Oh, Nikki." I moaned in her ear on purpose, then got up and lifted her up.

"Lukas!" She screamed as I carried her out of my room, heading to the bathroom. Her ass hanging out.

"Luke?" I heard my sister call. I paused. Damn it.

"Why are you home?" I growled.

"Um, why are you home?" She retorted.

"Touche. Now I suggest going and finding something to do for the next hour." I waved her bye then continued my journey.

"Not with your sister here." Nikki hissed.

"Not with your brother here." I also heard, and paused. I sat Nikki down, at which she looked at me confused.

"You gave up that easy?" She giggled.

"No, I heard something." I narrowed my eyes.

"I didn't hear anything, and now I've gotta go to the bathroom." She frowned and rushed down the hall. I chuckled, then heard my sister mutter a response. I slammed open her door and saw a boy in her room.

"Get out." I growled.

"Luke!" She screamed.

"No, what the hell is he here in your room with your door closed? And why was he saying not with your brother here?" I questioned, and then glared at the kid. Some little thirteen, possibly fourteen year old punk looking at me with wide eyes and an expression that showed he was going to shit his pants soon. My brother heard the noise and came inside the room too.

"Oh hell no." My brother joined, at which the little punk looked like he had most definitely shit his pants. The kid jumped up.

"Yo, I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Oh, no, no. We're the ones that are sorry." I deviously replied, glancing at my brother. He nodded and we grabbed the kid, with our little sister following and screaming after us.

Long story short, he's hanging outside in a cocoon like thing made of duct tape, in his own tree. Idiot told us where he lived as if we were going to just walk him home casually. Both of us walked home chuckling, but said nothing...
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hahahahahaha sorry could you imagine?! A cacoon like thing hahahaha hanging from the tree with only a human head hanging out of it with duct tape over his mouth hahahahaha