Dude's a Chick.

Drunken drunks.

My brother and I knew we loved each other, we just butt heads a lot. Isn't that how it usually goes anyways? I returned to Nikki and kissed her romantically. My little sister was pissed and well, she left. Who knows where, but she's gone. My brother decided to go to his friends house, leaving Nikki and I to an empty house. Oh yeah. Let's just say, her back was pressed against the shower wall. Her legs spread, me in between thrusting. Her hands gripping my neck, while my hands on her butt holding her up. Her hair drenched, sticking to her face as she moaned loudly. Oh yes, I've missed the feeling of having her in my life.

"That was...wow." Her voice was breathless, and I could barely hear her. She sat there in sweat pants, baggy shirt and her hair in a messy pony tail. No make up, and surprisingly that's how I liked her.

"Tell me about it." I winked.

"You should get your red wings some day." She teased, after gaining her composure.

"Not today." I leaped into the kitchen like a superhero. I started the stove and put a pot of boiling water on it.

"What are you doing?" She asked, leaning against the wall seductively.

"I am cooking you dinner, madam. I'm fairly sure the house is to myself, if you want to stay the night?" I proposed and she just laughed.

"Yeah, my parents will surely enjoy that." She giggled, taking a seat. "I kind of already told them that I'm sleeping at Maxine's."

"But you and Maxine don't talk." I chuckled.

"I know, which is why it's brilliant." She smiled, biting her bottom lip. "Plus, my mom knows I'm on my period and she wouldn't suspect a thing."

"Well, that is good." I returned the smile, I wasn't going to let her know how it bothered me with period talks. I mean, I should get used to it. But still.

"So, what are you cooking?" She returned to her original question.

"Rice and Alfredo sauce, with some vegetables. Your favorite." I matter of factually answered.

"Really? Why doing this big favor?" She inquired, with a quirk of her brow.

"You gave me amazing sex, in the shower. When now of all times you didn't have to." I cringed at certain parts then smiled at the end.

"Dork." She shook her head and stood beside me, pressing the side of her face against my arm.

"I am your dork." I chuckled when the door opened.

"Yo." Jacen came in, with Chelsea. Nikki tensed up beside me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I groaned. Watching Zach and Yvonne come in, along with Tristan and Valerie. Skyler and Pamela.

"You posted about dinner." Jacen innocently answered. "That was our invite."

"That was last night." I dryly corrected.

"Was it?" Zach quirked a brow, glancing at his phone. "So it was."

"Oh well." Tristan shrugged. Damien entered with Gaby, whom looked tickled pink.

"There they are, mister and miss let's take a separate car probably to do the nasty." Tristan chuckled, at which Valerie smacked his arm.

"Like we didn't have the same idea?" She winked, causing everyone to laugh... Great.

"Looking good, Nikki." Jacen winked, looking over Nikole's appearance. I'm not sure if it was to change the subject, or if he was being an ass or not.

"She looks fucking gorgeous Jacen, and she doesn't need make up to do it." I hissed, glaring at him. Nikki just sat there in silence.

"I wish I looked that good without make up." Chelsea pouted, coming over and hugging Nikki.

"Same here." Gaby agreed, and the girls all congregated at the dining table. Where as the guys and I stood in the kitchen. Of course, Damien brought beer. Wondering how he got it? We have our connections, don't trip.

"So, you and Nikki doing good?" Zach questioned, popping open his beer.

"Yeah." I grinned, looking over at Nikki.

"Why are you cooking dinner?" Jacen inquired, glancing at the wooden spoon in my hand.

"She isn't feeling too well." I answered, accepting the beer Damien handed to me. "I was going to have a romantic dinner till you butt holes showed up." I groaned, adding more bags of rice in the pan.

"Poor thing." Tristan chuckled, when the door opened. Kaleb came in with a girl, that girl happened to be.

"Brooke?" I furrowed my brows, Jacen glanced over with his mouth agape.

"Hey guys." Kaleb greeted the ladies, gave them all hugs then walked over to us. "This is Brooke."

"I know." I grimaced, great.

"Lukas?" Brooke stared at me with wide eyes, then glanced at the beer in my hand. Great.

"Hey." I nodded, turning to the rice.

"Cooking dinner, Luke?" Kaleb asked, eying the boiling water down.

"Yep. For my girl. I was going to have a nice dinner, just her and I." I spat and he laughed.

"Well. Enjoy these moments while they last." He sighed, grabbing a beer. "Go ahead, introduce yourself to the girls. They're chill."

"I'd rather much be by you." She smiled, kissing his cheek. "How was work?"

"It was chill." He shrugged. "How did the interviews go?"

"Got hired." She smiled.

"Really? I knew you would." Kaleb chuckled. "You're too hot to pass up."

"Yeah, I got hired by Lukas here." She dropped the bomb and Kaleb glanced at me.

"Oh really, and why did you accept her application?" Kaleb quirked a brow, sipping on his beer.

"She's more qualified than the other losers that came in." I honestly answered. "They were all stoners, old, too young, or just simply not trust worthy."

"I saw them, I agree." Jacen nodded, finishing his beer. "Plus, Brooke is a total sweet heart looking girl. I would've hired her too."

"Shut up, Jace." I spat, then turned to Kaleb. "So, she's the girl that's had you wrapped around her finger?"

"Totally." Kaleb rolled his eyes. "I've gotten more hours at work."

"That's always good." I enthused, moving the bags of rice with the spoon.

"Really, Brooke. They're nice girls, go." Kaleb shooed her away then turned to me. We watched her go to the girls and shyly introduce herself.

"Don't be so rude to her." Zach scolded.

"Shut up." Kaleb rolled his eyes. "She wants to be around me twenty four seven."

"Welcome to the life of girls." I rose my second beer up and we toasted, well not including Kaleb.

"I should just be gay." He sighed, hanging his head low and sucking on his beer.

"Gay?" Tristan repeated, looking Kaleb over. "If you became gay, then I called that shit long time ago."

"Shut up, Tristan. No wonder he hasn't come out of the closet yet, he's probably afraid we wont accept him. So shut the hell up." I defended Kaleb, then turned the stove off.

"Thanks, Luke. I'm not sure what I am anymore, life has been complicated." He shrugged, grabbing extra plates and cups. The guys nodded.

"We support you." Damien assured, grunts were followed in agreement.

"Thank you." Kaleb grinned, and soon dinner was served.


"Yo pass the beer!" Tristan hollered from one side of the table.

"Inside voice, mother fucker." I growled.

"No cussing." Jacen scolded me. Soon all the guys laughed. The girls didn't find it too funny, I'd imagine they thought we were being annoying drunks. Not that we could deny such, I wouldn't doubt it if Nikole decided she didn't want to stay the night. Dinner was loud, food everywhere on the table, girls did the dishes and now us guys are huddled around the living room without a TV on because we're so drunk.

"Well fuck." Kaleb muttered, glancing at his phone. "It's almost one."

"And?" Zach laughed, hiccuping.

"Babe." Valerie came into the room, with a hand on her hip. "I need to sleep."

"Okay babe." Tristan immediately got up, did a weird drunken salute then stumbled to Valerie. She grabbed the keys, showed the ladies, they rooted her on and the two left.

"Women, think they so smart. Lie we some stupid or thing." Skyler slurred, glaring over at Pamela. I wondered if there was something that we don't know about?

"They say we have zero control, like they have balls in back pocket. Or leash." Jacen concurred and the rest of the group grunted.

"I not sure. My woman love me." I felt my tongue grow thick, and my body grew heavy.

"She wont soon enough." Kaleb howled.

"What you know?" I spat.

"Not my to tell." He retorted.

"Oh shit." Zach howled then fell over and knocked out.

"Well, that is our cue." Yvonne came into the room, smiled at the guys and grabbed Zach's keys.

"We'll help you." I offered, standing up and wobbling a bit. I leaned over and grabbed Zach's arm. Jacen came over to help, kicked the coffee table, cussed, then regained himself.

"Yeah." Jacen agreed and two drunken guys trying to help a worse drunken guy get into his car is the funniest shit ever. Especially when we trip over air, fall onto Zach, then laugh. Get up, and pull him for a bit just for a repeat. Good times. But soon enough, Zach was gone. And soon enough, everyone else was gone too. Leaving Nikole and I alone.
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hahahaha come on, this is what the guys do. Expect any different when they're together?