Night of the Fallen Angel


Midnight and the crow watched boldly from the spear it perched, the metallic bells boomed from atop the tower and the rain pelted with such power it seemed to shake the tomb stones surrounding the grave yard. From the sky thunder rumbled, lightning spiralled and shot from the dark disturbing blanket of a sky. Clouds basked the sky in terror and sent ripples through the air. Thunder shook the sky, a crack of sound and fuzzy vibrations travelled deep through the clouds and lightning shot out above the church. In answer to the attack the bells sent a quiver of sound through the towers stone walls, scraps of inside plaster deep set into the wooden beams leading up the tower creaked under strain and small parts of timber seemed to scatter uncontrollably downwards.
The wind whistled and spat droplets of rainwater against the terrifyingly surreal gargoyles that surrounded the church walls. They hung daringly, some with claws and others with large, sharp teeth that stared right through you. They looked ravenous, starved of something evil. Their sole purpose to protect the church from demons, devils and dark spirits.
The sky bellowed, a sharp shot of light exploded downwards striking the church spear. The clouds parted slightly, a small shadow of light sheltered the church from the rain. A thunderous crack of thunder and lighting boomed suddenly, a huge flash of light blazed for no longer than half a second. From the small opening in the sky something plummeted downwards. Spiralling uncontrollably before it arched and smashed through the roof of the church. Shards of lead shot out from the roof as the ancient wooden holdings collapsed into the church. The damage to the church was basked in darkness as the clouds thickened and the thunder abruptly halted. The rain softened becoming small patters upon the stained glass windows of the church.
Everything had become normal.
Inside a whimper was heard.
Atop on the churches spear the crow nestled softly, spreading it’s ebony dark wings before making itself airborne.

Falling softly from the sky fluttered a single white feather.