Crashing Angel


You look out at everything with those wide eyes and she's crying. This girl is sobbing and her fingers are cracking to the sound of her heart as you pull them from her. You don't mean to cause her pain but you were made to murder with the words inside your soul. 

She's sinking into the ground and she looks so ugly. She looks so ugly and the sky is so beautiful and you're trying to fly but her eyes weigh you down. They look at you like a million stars and the gravity of the Sun is burning you both. She tells you not to leave. You fold it in the pages of your memory for late night kitchen conversations.

"I was crying when I met you now I'm trying to forget you."

And that's all she is. Other peoples words layered on her tongue like the ash of yesterday's cigarette. She cannot fathom her own voice so she hides behind others. She is poison in your cells, crawling underneath your skin, tearing at your wings. She is a weight on your shoulders. She is nothing.

So you leave her in the embers and fly away into the galaxy and she cries. You leave her on the path you made with a hundred promises and God, do you look beautiful as you fly. A twisted world hidden as an angel releasing the nuclear bomb on her life.

You're radioactive and all she ever did was love you.