

Knock knock knock.
The door opened.
"Jimmy?" I asked.
He nodded and led me inside.
"What can I do you for?" he asked.
I held up a great big wad of cash.
"How much meth can I get with this?"
He counted.
"Damn. A few ounces. Are you looking to smoke it or snort it?"
I thought. Smoking it would be easier.
He nodded and disappeared, and returned a few minutes later with a green safebox. My adrenaline started pumping.
He opened it with a key that he placed back in his desk drawer.
He measured out a few ounces and put it in a plastic baggie.
"You got a bowl for this?" he asked.
I started stuttering.
"Relax. I'll make you one, but this is the only one you get. Don't loose it or break it, or else you buy your own."
I nodded.
He took a lightbulb and went into another room. He came back with a bowl for me to smoke with. I took it.
He handed the meth over and walked me out to my car.
"Listen... That shit fucks you up. I don't do it anymore, just sell it. But, if you find yourself needing a friend... Call me," he said, handing me a piece of paper with his phone number on it.
I had no idea what he was talking about, so I nodded.

Once I got home, I called Chloe.
"Chlo, you have to come over... I got this great stuff, you'll love it."
She said she would be here in a few. She sounded clean.
A few minutes passed, then another. It was almost a half hour until my door opened. Chloe was here. I showed her the meth.
"Damn! How'd you get this?!" she said, looking at the pretty ice.
"I know a guy. I don't know the effects of crack and meth together, so make sure you're clean."
She snorted.
"I got my stash confiscated. That's why Mom wouldn't let you come over. She only got some of it though, but I've been trying to lie low.. I'm really glad you got this, I was starting to have withdrawls."
I laughed and put some ice crystals into the bowl. I grabbed a lighter and lit up.
We took turns taking long, smooth drags.
But soon enough, I found out why Jimmy asked if I would need a friend.
I looked at Chloe. She was just as horny as I was.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter might get dirty. You've been warned.