

I had two days to loose three pounds. I was going to have to push myself extra hard.
I ran until I thought my legs would give out and my heart would burst. 5.7 miles in two hours. Sprinting the whole way. I burst through the door and ran upstairs, backing up every two steps to do it again. Once I got into my room, I didn't stop there. I shoved my feet under my closet door and burned my way through 1,000 crunches. I could feel the burn. It was lovely.
I went downstairs and looked in the fridge. Grandma sent us some pie. I reached for it, then right past it to the celery and apples.
I was cutting up eight celery sticks when Dad walked in the door.
"Going somewhere, kiddo?" he asked.
I nodded.
"I'm heading down to the gym for a few hours to work out. I have to stay in shape if I want to stay on the track team," I told him.
This wasn't exactly a lie, so I didn't feel entirely guilty about it. But I was the only one who was fully in shape on the track team.
Dad nodded.
"Want me to drive you?" he offered.
I shook my head no.
"I'll run. It's only ten blocks from here, and I haven't been running like I usually do. I'll go swimming when I get there to cool down, then I'll shower before I leave. I'll eat there," I said, before grabbing my lunch and leaving.
One apple, eight celery sticks, and a bottle of water. Aside from the water, it's the first solid thing that I'll have eaten since Saturday night. I will be skinny. I will get to 0.85.00 pounds by the end of this year. I guess lucky for me, it doesn't snow in California. It's way easier to drop pounds in the dead heat.
I arrived at the gym and I immediately changed into my bathing suit. I had a pair of shorts that covered my legs in case I wasn't the only one there.
I climbed into the pool and started swimming laps. Get to twenty laps, then I can get out.
I pushed myself. I set the timer at each end of the pool. I was doing a lap a minute. I could do better. I tried for under thirty seconds.
I never made it to under thirty seconds. I'm a failure.
I climbed out of the pool, breathing heavy and feeling hungry. I went into the locker room and pulled out a celery stick and chewed it slowly, allowing nourishment into my body for the first time in days. I slowly drank water, and went into a dressing room to change.
I ran for about an hour on the elliptical. I did about 1,000 more crunches and I did a lot of wall sits and step-ups. I was almost ready to call Dad and ask for a ride.
But that would be weak.
If there is one thing that I, Nikki Dawn Sawyer am NOT, it is weak.