

The only problem with crack?
It burns to snort.
The best thing about it?
I had no appetite.
There was a ton of food for the people with the munchies. And for the drinkers. And for the straight edges who wanted something to snack on while the rest of us get drunk and high.
At first, I was going to chicken out. I watched Chloe pull out a mirror and lay out two lines of crack. That's where my stomach clenched.
"Chlo... I don't... I don't know..." I started.
"Nikki. Nichole. Coley. Nikkermonster. Just snort. It's good for you. It turns you skinny. It makes you beautiful. That's what you want, right?"
I sighed and looked at Chloe. She's been doing this for a long time. A really long time.
So I sighed, and snorted a line straight up my nose, where it mainlined into my veins and in and around my brain. I could feel it. I felt is spread to my whole body, I felt it under my skin. It was like a warm blanket that offered me protection on my way to skinnyland. Hehe. Skinnyland. That's where I was headed. I was headed there faster, now that I had access to the skinnymaker.
And I loved it.
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I know I said I would post a chapter in an hour and I come back days later, but I've had major writer's block. I'm trying to push through for this chapter, so help would be nice.
And I would like to thank Laurie Halse Anderson for the inspiration for this story. <3