Status: Active



Quinn woke up to the sound of crashes coming from her sister's neighboring room. A screech and the sound of a million pieces of glass falling to the ground is what really got her out of bed though. Taylor only broke things when she was mad and from the sound of it, Taylor must have been livid.

Her sister was standing in the middle of her room, her full-length mirror that she loved was laying in pitiful pieces around her. Her usually gorgeous blonde hair stuck up in odd angles pointing this way and that, an obvious sign of bedhead and frustration.

"What's wrong?"

"Mom and Dad just told me I can't go to Skylar Adams' party tonight with James. If I miss this party, I'll be clueless at the lunch table on Monday! I cannot miss this party Quinn, I'll be the laughingstock!" Angry tears fled her eyes.

After a moment of silence, Quinn walks over and gives her big sister a hug. "I'll cover for you."

That was all she needed to say, Taylor squeezed her back. The tears that were once flowing had now disappeared. After affectionately ruffling Quinn's hair, Taylor speeds into the closet, appearing a second later with a large Victoria's Secret bag.

"This, little sister, is going to impress Trev beyond belief." Taylor beamed down at her sister.

"Trev?" Quinn's voice was shaky, she was never completely comfortable around boys.

"Trev is James's cousin. He just moved to West Hill, next door to his cousin, my boyfriend." Taylor begins reaching into the bag and retrieving items. "James and I set you two up on a blind date. Since you're covering for me, we'll just pretend it's a double date and that way I get to go to the party and you get to meet your future lover."

Quinn felt a pang of annoyance as she realized that Taylor already expected her to cover for her. Not wanting to cause a problem or be involved with any more destruction, Quinn kept her mouth shut. She'd just bring it up later, if she felt the need to.

Quinn's eyes nearly popped out of her head as she saw the lingerie Taylor held by a finger. It was blue, lacy, and skimpy, something Quinn couldn't even picture a manikin in. Gulping, Quinn reached out and gently felt the feeble material.

"Taylor, you're insane."

"Quinn, just try it on, you'll look completely sexy in it!" Taylor nodded vigorously. "I'll also give you a skirt and a shirt to wear. You'll look great Quinn."

"You don't even know if this guy actually wants to go out with me Taylor."

"Actually, he's already agreed to the blind date. And now, since you said you'd cover for me, so have you." Taylor says, tossing the shirt and skirt into Quinn's arms.

Sighing, Quinn goes back to her room and places the clothes in a neat pile on the bed. After surveying the pile for a minute, Quinn finally decides that this date had to be better than not having any plans at all on a Saturday night.