
A Girlfriend?

“Move over,” I order and kick Kai in the side. The boy grunts at the unexpected hit but does as he’s told. I sit down beside him with a bowl of popcorn and grin at all the junk food we’ve managed to obtain. We have popcorn, skittles, M&M’s, energy drinks and ice cream waiting patiently for us to inhale sitting in the fridge. Oh this will be a fun night.

Before Kai arrived I placed my blanket on the floor and grabbed a few others just in case we get cold. My pillows are propped against my bed so we can lean back on them and the lights are off while the commercials roll onto the TV screen. Kai and I are silent as we watch 300, one of the best movies ever.

It’s nearly the end and we managed to get through the movie without any interruptions when suddenly Kai’s cell goes off, causing both of us to jump in surprise. Growling, I punch Kai over the head. “Come on man! Why the hell didn’t you turn off your phone?”

“I…s-sorry I forgot,” Kai mumbles quietly and quickly rummages through his back pocket for his phone. I expect him to just hang up but whoever is was calling must have been important because he excused himself to the balcony and ordered me to continue watching without him.

“You were the one who suggested movie night,” I hiss at him through narrowed eyes. “Don’t talk on the damn phone.”

“I have to take this.” Kai closes my balcony door, leaving me alone in my room. Sighing, I press play and continue watching. The hell with him, jerk. It was his idea for another movie night to make up for our canceled plans this weekend. He shouldn’t be talking on the damn phone. Idiot.

The movie is long over and I am about twenty minutes or more into the next one when Kai finally returns. He gives me an apologetic smile, which I snort at. He knows I’m angry but he sits beside me anyways. Glaring, I ask, “Who called that was so important? It wasn’t your parents. They would have just yelled over from the balcony or something.”

“N-No one.” He’s lying. I can tell because he’s not looking at me while he says it. He never looks at me when he’s lying.

“Bullshit. Since when did you have a friend other than me?” I don’t know if Kai was just in a bad mood or if I said something to really piss him off but the boy actually yelled at me. I didn’t see it coming and I’m sure the shock on my face said that.

“It may shock you but I’m not a complete loser! I have other friends!” Kai huffs and for once he doesn’t quickly apologize for his outburst. He doesn’t start whining and begging me to forgive him. Instead he gets up and glares at the floor beside him. He’s blushing and it makes him look less intimidating but the tone of his voice makes me shiver. “I’m going home.”

“Wait…Hey, Kai!” I get up to follow him but the asshole slides the door in my face. Groaning, I back up and rub my nose that he managed to scrape with the door. That little asshole! “Kai, damn it, get your ass back here!”

It’s too late though, by the time I slide open the doors Kai is already in his room. The curtains are shut and the lights are off, meaning he’s probably lying in bed crying but being too stubborn to come back and apologize for exploding. I growl because there’s no way in hell I’m apologizing. I didn’t do anything wrong.

No…maybe I’m wrong…after all, I said something a little mean. It’s true though. Kai and I tell each other everything. I may say mean things to him and he may be an idiot sometimes but we’re still best friends. We’ve never kept a secret from each other…but something’s telling me that he’s keeping a secret now. He has to be, I just know it.

I've always been the only one Kai has really spoke with. He’s too shy to speak with anyone else…so who could have called him? Who did he talk to for nearly a whole hour? I don’t see why he can’t tell me. It’s not like it’s a bad thing to have more than one friend. I’ve always told him he needs to stop being so shy and to make himself some more friends so why is he hiding it?

He really is a dumb ass.

“So you’re telling me that Kai is hiding something from you?” Mindy asks Saturday afternoon while we sit across from each other at the food court in the mall. She’s munching away on her French fries and staring at me like I’m an idiot. I can’t blame her. She obviously doesn’t believe what I’m telling her. Kai and I never hide anything from each other.

“Do I need to repeat myself?” I ask, taking a rather large drink of my coke before slamming it against the table. “The asshole is obviously hiding something. We’re hanging out less after school and he is obviously talking to someone.”

“Maybe he has a girlfriend?” Mindy and I both stare at one another. For a moment, I think we’re both seriously thinking about that option but once we realize that it’s Kai we’re talking about, we fall into a fit of laughter so loud and hard we start to cry.

I pound my fist against the table and desperately try to breathe. “As if! Kai doesn’t have the balls to talk to a girl, let alone date one.”

Mindy giggles a few more times and wipes at her watery eyes. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. It is still an option though. After all, the girl could have been the one to ask him out and he just said yes…for reasons unknown. I don’t think that’s really the reason though.”

I nod my head in agreement. A girlfriend just can’t be the reason. Kai definitely would have told me if that were the case. I can’t think of what other reason there could be though. Tapping my fingers against the table, I hum in thought. Mindy is thinking of what it could be also but neither of us seems to have a really good idea of what it is.

“Just ask him about it on Monday,” Mindy finally says to me around a sigh. She finishes her lunch and places the garbage on the yellow tray. I grab the tray and the two of us head towards the trash before starting to walk around. “You two are best friends. He’ll tell you sooner or later if you tell him how concerned you are.”

“I’m not concerned,” I grumble but we both know the truth. I am concerned. What if something bad is going on? I highly doubt Kai would get into some type of trouble but still…a part of me is worried. I have to watch after him because he’s too much of an idiot to watch after himself.

“Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart,” Mindy giggles. “Now come on, you’re supposed to be spending the day with me. Enough talk about Kai! Let’s go spend money!”

“I ain’t spending money on you!” In the end I do though because women are forceful, cruel creatures.
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So what do you all think Kai is hiding? ^.^
I'm sure someone can get it right maybe
