This Four Leaf Clover's All But Useless Now


The phone rings, waking Alex from his uncomfortable sleep on the couch. He hasn't really left this spot since Jack left the house; he is too busy slouching in self pity.
He feels bad; mostly because he maybe screamed at Jack a little too much, but also because Jack said nothing to him about this break up before. They are supposed to be best friends...

He rolls around, pressing his face into the pillow and stretching in every angle. Alex groans.

Reaching over the armrest to the phone, Alex picks it up and presses it to his ear, a little wary incase it's Jack.
'Hello?' he asks, still slightly disorientated from sleep.

'Hello, this is 911 emergency, may I please get hold of Alexander Gaskarth,' it was a woman, Alex tenses up; waking fully. What has happened... 
'Hello?' she sounded professional.

'Yeah. Alex, that's me, hello.'

'Hi, Alex. My name is Amanda. I am a receptionist at St. Maries Royal hospital.  I have some information for you, about your-' she pauses, he waits. 'Your friend, Mr. Jack Barakat.'

Alex nods, barely capable of words. 'Is he okay,'
He is still angry with Jack in a way, but whatever this is is more than he meant by punishment.

'Around tea time last night, we received a call from a local mobile. It was Mr. Barakat,' 
Alex wishes she would stop saying ''Mr. Barakat,'' it puts him on edge even more.

'What? Is he okay?'

'Mr. Gaskarth, Mr. Barakat has been in a very serious car crash, injuring himself seriously. He only just had chance to call. We are sorry to say that he has slipped into a coma.'

Alex freaks out, sitting up suddenly. Dizziness rushes to his head and he readjusts his breathing as much as he can. 
'What do you mean?' 
Coma? Didn't people only rarely survive from comas? Weren't they death sentences? He can't loose Jack, not today, not after that, not ever.

'Mr. Gaskarth,' she soothes, 'The doctors are with him at the moment. They are taking out tests and checking for any further trauma. We've called his mother and she too is also worried. We will do our best to fix him. We just need to know about any upsets in the spinal area that may lead to paralysis.'

That is way more than Alex can take. He stands up and throws the phone against the living room wall. 
'Fuck,' he screams, falling to his knees again, burying his face into his hands. He feels completely destroyed. Warm tears spill over his eyelashes and onto his cheeks.
That is the first time he has cried in a while. A long while. Guilty.