This Four Leaf Clover's All But Useless Now


It has been about three days until Alex hears something from the hospital, and when he does it sort of wakes him up a little. 

He's been in a sort of shut-down state; it isn't him. He wanted to visit him but he couldn't bring himself to. 
He had hardy got out of bed at all. 
He didn't talk to people, and if he did it was on the phone. Jack's mom had visited a few times and left calls, but he'd let them go to voicemail. He'd answered a few calls from Zack and Rian but they were away on holiday somewhere fancy. The Philippines or whatever. They were worried but he tells them to relax.
It was weird how they weren't on Jack's 'ICE' numbers... It was only him.

They tell him that Jack is coming around a little, that he has a 'decerebrate posture' which means the point of damage isn't as serious as it can be and also that his pupils are fine- whatever all that means. Alex isn't super-nurse. But they also say that's the better of it, which means that there's worse news.

He finally drags himself out of his bed and to the car, not even bothering to change from his pajamas. In hospitals, everyone wears pajama-like clothes, okay? Plus, they are only grey gangster pants and an old band tee- nothing too obvious.

When he arrives, Jack has been moved to a different room- a recovering ward- apparently, so Alex can skip the multiple flight of stairs he took before.

He feels a bit shitty for not making an effort for Jack- even if he isn't even going to see him.

The vocalist hangs back in the chair below the window, and just watches Jack's pale figure. He looks skinnier which isn't good either. 
Maybe he is just imagining it but he swears he sees him furrow his eyebrows now and again. He smiles to himself; maybe this isn't the end. Maybe he is going to be okay. 

Alex steps out of the room yet again, in search of something. He wants a talk, for once he wants to know what is going on.

A female doctor approaches the door, looking to be heading into Jack's room. She was pretty and most likely a few years older than him. Dark, short, curly hair hangs around her cheeks and bounces as she walks. Alex stops her, 'Excuse me, I was wondering if you could talk to me... About...' he gestures back to Jack in the bed behind him and the nurse nods.
'Of course, follow me.' 

She leads him back into the room again and pulls up a chair in front of his abandoned one. 'Ask me anything you need to know.'

'Okay,' Alex thinks, 'How long is this going to last?'

The nurse runs her pen along her lips, as if thinking thoroughly. 

Alex would've usually found this seductive but it was Jack first. Bros before hoes.


'Alex, I'm Alex.'

'Alright, Alex. I'm Lara.' she brings the pen back down to her clip board on her lap. 'Comas can last anything from hours to years. It really depends. I'm a qualified nurse and I'm not supposed to give out vital information,' she looks up at Alex (who is watching her carefully) before returning her gaze back to her clip board. 'Taking in mind the news and the circumstances of it, I think if I'm not mistaken he should be awake in at most a few days.'

Alex thinks. What news? A few days. A few days? '...W-what news?.'

The nurse's face fell then became more and more puzzled, 'You haven't been told yet?' she blinks, her eyes widening only just noticeably . 
Alex shakes his head, 'The person I spoke to earlier said that there was something I needed to know. They didn't tell me exactly what.'

The silence between them is at a state in which Alex just wants to scream. Where the only sound is the clichéd background noise of a common hospital. Alex fidgets.
 'Can you tell me?' he breathes, not knowing exactly whether he really wants to hear.

The nurse nods, possibly not knowing how to break it to him. 'Is Jack your brother?' Lara questions.
'No, he's not. But we're like brothers.' Alex weakly smiles, 'We're best friends.' 
He laughs under his breath at how childish he sounds, then again at the fact he's laughing at something so serious.
'That sounds so overused.' he smiles, looking up at her again.

She smiles back, nodding slowly. Both of their expressions fade and Lara starts talking again, 'Alex. I don't want you to get angry, this is something that Jack can overcome, but there is a problem, yes.'

'What is it?' he offers, closing his eyes and remembering these last few minutes of being oblivious.

There is another silence, not as long as the last and comfortable, but still noticeable. The nurse breaks it again. 'It would be a very odd thing for a person to come into a hospital and be comatose, without an event that followed. A lot of our coma patients die, and I can assure you that Jack will most likely not die unless we have a power cut or something obscure. But as I said, very few of them survive without a circumstance; a vast number are in the vegetive state for a certain amour of time, some are sent to physiotherapy, some suffer long-term amnesia. Jack's problem is one of the more minor ones, one still and one that needs to be seen to.'

Alex nods, keeping his face buried in his hands. His eyes tingling yet again, and he feels weak for being on the brink of crying- especially in front of a woman.

'Alex,' she sighs, resting a hand on his shoulder, 'There's a strong possibility that Jack may suffer from paralysis in his legs.'

The younger boy scrunched up his face, letting his tears free. 'W-will it go away?' he stammers, breathing jittery, his face finally emerging from his hands.

'Eventually, but it could be a while.' she assures, letting the younger man collapse into her small frame, wrapping her arms around him. It wasn't strange, she knew how much a person needed someone at a time like this.

He sighed a little, small sobs emitting from his shaken body and she cradled him, cooing gently.
'It's alright.' she soothed, knowing this was hard for him.