Status: active

Design a heart for me

Cuz green is your colour

For Isadora, the day started with a slam of a locker, right near her head. Isadora jerked her head away and growled at her friend.

“What are you, a dog?” Penelope remarked before rolling her eyes, because Isadora did not give up the nasty look she was giving her.“What’s got you into such a fine mood anyway?”
“I haven’t slept in two consecutive nights… one gets a bit... agitated when sleep deprived.”

“Next time, go to bed instead of spending the entire night drawing.”
Isadora rolled her eyes; Penelope wasn’t the most caring when it came to other people’s misery...

“I did not spend my night drawing.” Isadora replied in annoyance, only to have it followed by a yawn. Other things were occupying her sleep deprived mind.
“Don’t tell me you’re nervous”

Isadora stayed silent… what if she was? This decision was going to decide the rest of her life.

“Oh come on, you’ve got this in the bag sweets,” Penelope tried to cheer her up, “It’s senior year, you’ve already got enough experience, plus… your dad has the decisive vote.” Isadora snorted out loud, gaining the quizzical glances of her fellow students.

“The idea in itself is comical dear Penn. I don’t see where you picked up such ridiculous illusion.” Penelope looked at her best friend, a bit worried about her lack of trust in her own blood. “Oh come on… it’s the third time you entered… not even he can be that cruel.”

Isadora sighed as both picked up the pace to go to their class. “We’ll see I guess. I already asked Pam to give me the order of votes. I just don’t know… he’s never been keen on my wanting to become a designer.”
“But he always wanted you to be happy. You’re happy with being a designer. So you’re gonna get the job Isa. Now stop fretting and tell me if I can borrow The Queen for tonight?”

Isa couldn’t help but smile at Penn’s pleading eyes. She had a date with none other than David Cobb tonight, one of her most… intense crushes up to now. The Queen was one of the low cut dresses Isa had made for last year’s Young Designer Contest. She had named it The Queen because of its white color which remembered her of the “ice queen” song of Within Temptation. Isa was infatuated with naming her designs that way and Penn was absolutely infatuated by the designs.

“Sure. I’ll come over later tonight.”
“You’re the best!” Penn screeched and jump-hugged Isa, which made her lose her footing and smash into something. At first Isa thought it were the lockers on the other side, but the last time she bumped into one, she couldn’t remember it going “Oof” and feel rather soft.

She looked up at her ‘cushion’ and cursed. “Ah, sorry Time. You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, no biggy.” He replied, rubbing his side. “Might have bruised a few ribs though…”

Isa rolled her eyes, “Stop overreacting. You might look scrawny but you can’t survive the swimming team without developing at least a few Hulk qualities.” Time chuckled at Isa’s explanation.
“Who says I don’t turn green once in a full moon?”

Isa rolled her eyes, about to reply that the hulk only turns green when angry; thus becoming the Hulk – yes she was that much of a geek- but Penn answered instead, “I always thought that color suited your girlfriend better, Compton.” Time grimaced.

“You should know better than to judge someone else Watson. Last I recall you dumped a slushy on some freshman because she was talking to your ex.”
Penelope glared and was about to retort when Isa grabbed her friend by the arm. “Okay… I think that’s enough on that subject; let’s get to class, see you around Time.”

“I can’t believe you let him get to you.” Isa shook her head, Penn never was one to show restraint but the war game with Time Compton had been going on ever since he started dating miss Un-congeniality. Ex girlfriend from Penn’s then boyfriend who then broke up with her to get back with said ex girlfriend. Yeah, it’s high school drama for you…

“I can’t believe you didn’t back me up. Serious Isa I know you’re tired, and Compton has been your hallwayflirt for years, but I’m your best friend… I’ll see you later.”
Isa sighed as Penn stalked off to her class, pinching the bridge of her nose… “Great. Just GREAT.”

Only seconds later Isa’s phone rang. Misery Business being the ringtone of choice, clearly stating it was Sarah, one of the employees at her father’s company; the one who would brief her, whenever there was something new concerning the Young Designer Contest. Reaching in her jeans pocket she quickly answered it.

“Isa… the results are in.”


Richard Tate was rapidly typing away on his computer; urgent mails about urgent business deals and inside Intel on the current competition required a personal handling of course. Immersed in his work he didn’t hear the ruckus outside his office. Of course until the doors to his office were forced open with the strength of an elephant that escaped from the jumanji board game.

“You can’t do this to me!” Isadora practically screamed at the top of her lungs, her hands balled into fists, shaking by her side; adding another dimension to her frail looking posture. He wasn’t even fazed by her outburst; it only put more oil to the fire burning inside her.

“I’m busy Isadora, we’ll discuss whatever you want later.”
“No, we’ll discuss it NOW.” Isadora spat and turned off his computer screen.

“Isadora! I don’t have time for your nonsense.” Mr. Tate retorted, finally looking at his daughter, “You are still my daughter and you do not take that tone with me.”

“That’s all you think I am! I know you believe in working for what you want but you know damn well that Michelle’s designs won’t even make it through to the second week! Yet, even with the entire board voting for MY designs you put your veto on it! All because of your anti-favors politics you think will be annulled whenever you appoint me. But I am a hard working, damn good designer, dad! I’ve been applying for the contest for 3 years now, worked in this company for 4! You cannot do this to me! I deserve this spot! You cannot treat me like…”

“Isadora!” Richard snapped, effectively shutting up his daughter’s rant as he added the dramatic standing pose for effect. No matter how angry she was with her father, obedience was something he had raised her with. Ignoring it was not an option.

“If you want it this badly, I’ll revoke my decision…” Isa felt the corner of her lips form upwards.

Was he … really?

“But only on one condition.”
And that’s when Isadora signed her deal with the devil; it only took one word, breathed in determination.

♠ ♠ ♠
thank you very much for reading.