A Prince, a Comedian, and One Big Secret

Live! from New York it's.

I stood on the stage stupidly waving at the camera as Justin Timberlake did his sign-off. If I had to tell you what the worse part of working at Saturday Night Live is, it's acting like you're not going too pass out from exhaustion at the end of the show.
Don't get me wrong, I love working here. I get to write every single day. Even though I would anyways, but the only difference i get paid for these writings. Not only was I a writer on the longest running variety show ever, but I was co-head writer. I also get to bring laughter to people, while making statements of my own about the world and what is going on in it.
While SNL is on hiatus I also get to have small roles in movies, and do charity work. I have my own foundation called the "Speak-Out" foundation that helps kids speak out against sexual abuse.
But the best part I got from my job is my relationship with Seth. Oh my gosh, I love that man so much it isn't even funny. He was incredibly caring, and even more hilarious.
I walked off the stage and Justin Timberlake stopped me.
"Hey Haylie, I was just wondering what you were doing after the show," Justin smiled his smile that makes most girls swoon.
"I'm going to the cast party silly," I smiled politely. It wasn't exactly known that Seth and I were dating. I might be considered a very hilarious comedian, but nothing I ever do makes front page news, so that is a plus when it came to my private life.
Justin and I exchanged pleasantries. He was a really nice guy, and have nothing but nice things to say about him, but he was no Seth.
"Hey Haylie, we need to go to Lorne's office, he wants to see us," I heard Seth say across the hall.
"Okay, Justin, I'll see you at the cast party right?" I asked happily.
"Of course," Justin smiled happily, then we said our goodbyes.
After every show Lorne calls Seth and I into the office to discuss what he thought went great with the show. Another reason why Seth and I don't discuss our relationship is because we don't want people to think that I got ahead at SNL because I was with Seth. This isn't the case because Seth has no say whatsoever in who gets promoted, but that doesn't mean the media would be too kind.
After our meeting, we left and went into Seth's office/dressing room. As soon as the door closed, we kissed each other. God, did I love kissing him. Our make-out session was cut short by a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Seth yelled, he seemed agitated as much as I felt.
It was Natalie my assistant.
"Umm Haylie, i know you asked not to be bothered Saturday nights, but this seems rather urgent," Natalie cautiously explained.
"What is it?" I asked nicely. I didn't want to think I was pissed off at her.
"There's a man on the phone saying that he represents the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge," she explained holding up my cell phone I give to her while I am taping the show.
I was completely confused by what she said, and out of mere curiosity I took the phone from her hands.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hello, am I speaking to a Ms. Haylie Smith?" the man on the other line asked with a thick British accent.
"This is her," I responded I gave Seth a look that read, 'I'm very confused right now."
"I'm dreadfully sorry about the lateness of my call, I forgot how late it is in New York right now," The man explained. "My name is William K. Anderson, adviser to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge," he continued. "Both the Duke and the Duchess have seen the incredible work you have done for children over and the states, and therefore they would like to extend an invitation to Buckingham Palace in the near future in order to discuss the possibility of you bringing your charity to England," he explained.
I was shocked, how could I ever know that all the way over in England the world's most famous couple gave a crap of what I was doing over here/
"Well, I am free this week," I was so shocked I didn't even have time to consider if this was a prank call.
"Well how about you think about it, and call us back with your answer," William suggested, I was so glad someone was thinking with a clear head.
"Okay, I think I should do that," I agreed, then did that stupid giggle I did when I was nervous.
I said goodbye to Mr. Anderson than hung up the phone, daring to believe the conversation I just had.
"What's up?" Seth asked curiously.
"The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wants to meet with me to discuss plans of bringing my charity to England," I breathless stated, almost daring to believe it. "Oh my gosh Seth, what am I going to do? I've never even be out of the country before," I started to hyperventilate.
"Well then, maybe you should start by getting a passport," Seth joked as he wrapped his arms around me to comfort me. I felt at ease as I placed my head in his chest.
"So you think I should do it?" I mumbled as he rocked me from side to side.
"Of course I do, just don't go out there and steal the heart of Prince Harry, cause I don't think I can stand it if my competition was a Prince," He joked.
"You know you're the only guy for me," I assured him as we began towards the door to the after-party.
Going to Buckingham Palace and meet with royalty would be an opportunity of a life-time. The only thing standing in my way was a damn passport.
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First chapters are always the worse to write. I hope you like it. :) -Holley