A Prince, a Comedian, and One Big Secret

Because you love me like I am

I was walking on the sidewalk in between rows of trees. It was a bright, crisp fall day and when the wind blew, even softly, leaves fell off the trees.
I turned to the right and headed towards the picnic table where Seth was at.
“Hey beautiful,” Seth smiled when he saw me.
“What's going on?” I asked seriously.
Seth started to laugh. “Silly, we're having a picnic,” he told me.
I was really confused. I wasn't even sure how I got there.
“I'll call Elias,” Seth said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead. He was oblivious to my confusion.
“Elias! Mommy's here!” Seth called as he stood on the overbank that overlooked the lake.
Two minutes later a two year old boy came running up the hill. He looked like a miniature version of Seth. I gasped in amazement.
“Hey Mommy!” Elias smiled looking up at me.
Before I could say anything more, Harry was shaking me awake.
“Haylie, we're back at the palace,” Harry told me as I began to wake up.
“How long was I out?” I yawned and began to stretch.
“Five minutes,” Harry answered.
I groaned. “I'm totally embarrassed, I'm the worse fake girlfriend of all time,” I sighed.
“It's alright,” Harry laughed like he was slightly amused.
We got out of the limo and went back to my room at the palace. I was still shocked at the dream I had, I had no clue where to start.
After I sat down and stared off into space for a moment, I called Seth.
“Hey Seth, you ready for the 'Speak-out' show?” I asked the first think of to say.
“Of course I am,” Seth spritely replied.
I suddenly felt awkward, I haven't felt this way around Seth since the first day I met him. But luckily Seth could tell what was going on, even when he was across the palace.
“What are you thinking about?” Seth asked after a moment of silence.
“Since you found out that I was pregnant, have you wondered what we would be like as parents?” I blurted out before I could stop myself.
There was silence on the other end.
“I'm scared to death Hay,” Seth admitted after he let out a long groan.
There was a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Seth was such an amazing man, but how can I be so stupid to get pregnant before I knew his opinion on becoming a father?
I started to cry, and this alarmed Seth.
“Haylie, I'm coming over,” He promised, and without another word he hung up.
A minute later he knocked on my door.
“Come in,” I yelled through my sobs. Why was I blowing this out of proportion? Dang those pregnancy hormones!
Seth came in, sat beside me, and put his arms around me. At this gesture, I started to cry even more in his chest.
“Haylie what's going on?” Seth whispered softly as he stroked my hair.
I spilled my guts to him. Everything from the dream to how I was feeling. I doubted Seth understood half of what I was saying due to the fact I was going crazy.
Only after I talked myself into a quiet sob, Seth spoke, “Haylie, I'm sorry if I did anything to make you upset. But while the idea of being a parent terrifies me, there is no one on this Earth I would rather be terrified with that you.”
His words had an immediate calming affect on me.
“I'm sorry,” I sniffed, wiping my tears away with the back on my hand. “Pregnancy hormones,” I laughed awkwardly.
“I understand,” Seth rubbed my back softly. “You're probably more afraid of what's going on than I am,” he added.
“I am,” I admitted for the first time. “I'm afraid people are going to hate me, especially if Harry and I go through a fake break-up. What if people think I cheated on him?” I told him my worries.
“You know the truth Haylie, and that's all that matters,” Seth told me as he grabbed my hands.
I was silent for a few moments. Seth was right, I never cared what the paparrazzi thought before, why should I start now?
“Thanks Seth,” I mumbled as I stared at my hands.
Seth took his hand and pulled my chin up, so I could look him in the eyes.
“Hey, how about you wipe those tears away and show me that beautiful smile I fell in love with,” he suggested happily.
“I love you,” I said it like it was the last time I will get a chance to.
“I adore you Ms. Haylie Smith, and nothing in the world will ever change that,” Seth promised me. “I will never leave you, even if the paparrazzi hates you, I'll make sure I do something to make them hate me more,” He joked.
I laughed and then gave him the biggest kiss I could muster.
It was an hour and a half before we had to get ready for the show, so Seth put an alarm on his phone, and we layed down on the bed for a nap.
We were laying down facing each other when Seth put his hand on my stomach.
“I can't believe there is a little us inside you,” Seth said as he looked down.
“I think it's going to be a boy,” I told him.
“Because of your dream?” He asked, looking kind of puzzled.
“Yea, so if it's a boy, are you happy with the name Elias?” I wondered out loud.
“Yea, I like it,” Seth said after a moment to think about the idea.
“But his first name should be Robert. Robert Elias Meyers,” I suggested happily.
“You totally want to name him after Robert Downey Jr. don't you?” Seth teased me.
Robert Downey Jr.'s father, Robert Downey Sr., really name was actually Robert Elias. I actually really liked those two names together, and it didn't help that I loved Robert Downey Jr.
“I really like those names together, but Elias is a little bit more unique than Robert,” I argued.
“Okay, I don't mind naming my kid after one of the coolest movie stars of all time,” Seth decided that it was okay.
“We could also name him after one of the coolest TV stars of all time,” I suggested, talking about him.
“So if she's a girl we can name her Tine Fey Meyers?” Seth joked, but his face was dead serious. I laughed and then scooted closer to him.
“No, maybe Tracy Morgan Meyers,” I teased him.
We ended up cuddling each other, and fell asleep listening to each other's breaths. I didn't know what I did to deserve someone as great as Seth. He might tell me that I was the most amazing girl that he had ever met, and that he was nothing, I really didn't know where he was getting that from. All I really knew is that I would spend the rest of my life trying to becoming the person he saw me as, just because he loved me like I was.
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Sorry I didn't quite have it up on Thursday. But technically I still have three minutes to go before FRiday! lol long day! -Holley