A Prince, a Comedian, and One Big Secret

Better stop messing around cause you're going to caught

I woke up five minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Knowing how much Haylie hates alarm clocks, I turned it off with the intention of waking her up soon.
Haylie ended up curled up in her blanket on the other side of the bed. She looked so beautiful when she slept.
I wondered what she was dreaming about as I looked at her face. She looked like she was happy, like there was nothing in the world to worry about. I just hoped Haylie was truly happy in waking life as well.
I slowly got off the bed so I wouldn't wake her, and went to use the restroom.
After I was finished, I slowly got up behind Haylie, and put my arms around her. She only moved a little at my touch, so I kissed her softly on the neck. This caused her to smile widely.
“Babe, you got to wake up,” I whispered softly in her ear.
Haylie slowly, but surely, got up, and I went back to my room.
Out in the hallway I pulled the ring that I hoped Haylie would be wearing on her finger by now. I was so nervous every time I tried to ask her to marry me. What if it was too soon? After all, I knew at this moment she wouldn't be able to wear it on her ring finger cause she was still 'with' Harry, but knowing whether or not she'd agree to spend the rest of our lives together, would send me over the moon.
Haylie and I performed the “Speak-out' show quite well for a bunch of Americans.
After the show, Haylie and I were escorted to a seperate room where on-by-one kids were going to get a chance to talk to us. In addition to us being there, Kate and Harry had also came out as a surprise to the kids.
“Hey Seth, how are you?” Kate asked like it wasn't the first time we had met.
“I'm doing great,” I smiled politely back. I was so awkward around girls that weren't Haylie.
“I'm so sorry William couldn't come, he got called away,” Kate told Haylie and I.
“It's quite alright,” Haylie answered for us. “We got the other prince to make the kids happy,” Haylie giggled as she hugged Harry and grabbed his hand.
Now, I knew Harry had no interest in Haylie at all, and I also knew that it was harder for Harry to live this lie than me, but I still felt a rush of jealousy as I watched Haylie grab unto Harry for the press that was also in the room.
“Are you guys ready?” a director came up and asked us.
Haylie and Kate sat at one table while Harry and I sat at another. The goal was to split the boys and girls up so they would be more comfortable with talking.
The first few boys I met told me that they thought the show was awesome. Then some of the older boys asked me how it felt to have a hot ex-girlfriend whose rebound was a prince.
I was surprised to find that their comment didn't upset me. For one thing, Haylie was still my girlfriend, but also I remembered how I was at that age. I was twice the smart ass than they could ever b.
Those older boys were knocked out of my mind when a wide-eyed boy came up to my table.
“Hey, I'm Seth,” I responded to his stare.
“You are my hero Mr. Meyers,” the boy happily told me.
“Aww, thanks,” why exactly was a little kid making me blush?
“I'm Elias by the way,” he started. “I'm only seven, but I love Saturday Night Live more than I love Spongebob Squarepants,” he informed me like he had the answer to the meaning of life.
“Oh, I don't think anyone can be loved more than Spongebob Squarepants,” I argued.
Haylie had advised me to talk to the kids like they were adults, just in case they wanted to share secrets about abuse. It was safe to say that I was doing a horrible job.
“During the program, you said that pedophiles are just as evil as Voldemort, the only exception is that pedophiles have noses, Elias bright face suddenly became dark.
“Yep, it's absolutely true,” I assured him.
Tears started to swell in his eyes. “Everytime my daddy hurts me, I like to watch SNL on Netflix cause even if it's just for a moment, it makes me feel better,” he cried.
I got up from my seat and got down so I was at eye level with Elias, and hugged him.
“Why would my daddy hurt me like that?” Elias asked me.
I honestly didn't have an answer for him, and I sincerely wished that I had.
“I never told anyone cause I thought I would get into trouble,” Elias went on without getting a reply from me. “But you told everyone that the only person who will get into trouble is the person abusing, and that it wouldn't be my fault at all, is that true?” he asked pulling away from my hug and looking me straight in the eye.
“That's is absolutely one hundred percent true,” my tone made it without a doubt that I was telling the truth to him.
“Okay,” Elias put on a brave face. “I want to talk to the police detectives now,” he added refering to the detectives that were there in case someone wanted to talk to them.
“Okay bud, can I have another hug?” I asked seriously.
Elias gratefully hugged me once again.
“I love you Mr. Meyers,” he whispered softly in my ear.
“I love you too Elias,” I answered back, almost like I truly meant it.
Before Elias left to go speak to the detectives, I wrote down on the paper that had my signature on it, my number.
“Call me anytime day or night, okay?” I told him as I handed him the paper.
He smiled like I had just gave him a million dollars. This gesture earned me another hug.
Elias was the only boy who confessed anything in the entire school. Which is good if you want to think that our show got through to everyone and that out of everyone, Elias was the only one that had been abused. But it was bad if you think that we only got through to Elias.
Seeing that little boy made me all confused, especially since he had the same name as my potential unborn son. How can I have that much influence over a little boy that probably didn't truly get half of the jokes on SNL?
“I saw how you were with that little boy today,” Haylie commented as we walked to our rooms. Harry and Kate were both called away so Haylie and I were alone in the SUV that took us back to the palace.
“Yea,” was all I could think to say.
Haylie grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. “Just know that I have no doubt whatsoever anymore whether or not you will be a good father.”
“Haylie, we're technically out in public,” I reminded her my voice almost non-existant.
“All the maids have to sign confidentiality agreements,” Haylie told me as she got closer to me and kissed me. “It's so true what people say when a guys around kids it makes them way hotter,” she said when she came up for air, then she kissed me again.
Our make-out session took us all the way to Haylie's room, which was closer, and into bed.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked as I closed the door with my foot and detached myself from Haylie's face.
“Seth, don't over think things,” Haylie advised, with that I knew I would lose this argument.
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Things will hit the fan soon. Thanks to Julia for the kicktastic banner she made me. It really made me smile without a doubt. -Holley