A Prince, a Comedian, and One Big Secret

It's not the burden that breaks us, it's how you carry it

“So when are you going to stop this stupid charade and marry me?” Chad asked me as I sat in the privacy of my room. Right now, the only time I got to hear his voice is via the phone. I missed him so much.
“As soon as I can,” I responded softly.
“You've been saying that for two years,” Chad reminded me. We've had this conversation a million times before.
“You know how much I love you,” I reminded him.
“I understand Harry, you know I'll never leave you,” Chad laughed.
“I just have to figure this out Chad,” I sighed. “My father is sick, he could die anyday now,” I was forcing my tears back.
“Harry, everything will work out for the best. It always does,” Chad's voice was very soothing.
Suddenly, there was a knock at my door.
“Chad, I have to go,” I said quickly, and without another word I hung up and walked to the door. I opened the door and Kate was on the other side.
“Hey Kate,” I nervously started.
“Can I come in Harry?” Kate's expression alarmed me so I let her in.
“I know something that you should probably know, but.... I don't know how to tell you,” Kate nervously picked at her fingernails.
“You could just tell me,” I was beginning to get nervous.
“Last night, you know how we got called away, but then it turned out that I wasn't needed so I went back here?” Kate asked me.
“Yea...” I drew out, not sure where Kate was going to say.
“I saw Haylie kissing Seth last night, and then they went into Haylie's room,” Kate blurted out, and then she braced herself for my reaction.
“Oh,” I was reliefed that she wasn't going to tell me that she knew I was gay.
“I'm sorry Harry, I know how much you liked her,” Kate sighed.
“Kate, will you promise me that you won't tell anyone what happened until I talk to her,” I asked calmly.
“Don't worry, I won't,” Kate promised. “But do you want to talk about it?” she asked seriously.
I tried to be sad for Kate, and like always she was willing to listen to me. After she left, I went to go see Haylie across the hall. I knew she was busy packing to go back to New York, but I hoped that she would give me a moment of her time.
“Hey Harry,” Haylie smiled as she opened the door. “Come in,” She invited me.
“You excited to go back?” I asked as I ambled into her room. This room was one of my favorite rooms growing up cause all my friends would come over and hang out in it because it was so massive.
“Yea, I have a doctor's appointment for the baby tomorrow and then I have to go back to SNL the next day,” Haylie told me as she started to fold a dress.
“So how are we going to end our relationship at the end of the week?” I casually asked.
Haylie stopped folding her clothes and turned back to me.
“What's wrong,” She asked giving me the eye, as if she was surveying me.
“Kate saw you and Seth making out last night,” I admitted to her, I knew that there was no point in lying to her.
“Oh,” Haylie frowned. “I'm so sorry Harry, I guess it was very irresponsible of us,” she mumbled as if she was ashamed with herself.
“Hay, I have no problem with it,” I chuckled. “I just have a problem with myself,” I admitted.
“What do you mean?” Haylie looked geniunely confused.
“Haylie, I've been using you for months all because I can't admit who I am,” I told her. “But I'm ready to admit it, I'm going to be with Chad,” I added defiantly.
Haylie squealed in excitement. “Harry! That's the best news I've heard all day!” she exclaimed as she hugged me.
Just then my phone rang.
“Excuse me,” I told her as I walked to the other side of the room to answer my phone. Haylie went back to packing.
“Hello,” I answered my phone. The caller I.D. Indicated that it was Will. “How's Dad?” I asked immediately.
“Not good, he's requesting you come to the hospital now,” William informed me.
“Okay, I'll be there right away,” I promised him.
“Harry, there's more, he's requesting Haylie come as well,” Will announced.
“Why? He clearly doesn't like her,” I knew it was my father's final request but I still couldn't help but be confused by it.
“I don't know, but see if Haylie is willing to delay her departure for a few hours to come to the hospital,” William put me back on track.
“Okay Will, I'll see what I can do,” I knew I was just the unwanted son for my father, but I was going to do everything I can to respect his last wish.
I hung up the phone and tried my hardest not to break down. “Haylie, that was my brother,” I started.
“Is everything alright?” Haylie asked as she read my facial expression.
“My father is going to die soon,” the reality was sinking in, and it was making my knees weak.
“Oh Harry, I'm so sorry, but you know as much as I do that death is just a natural part of life,” Haylie said as she pulled me into a hug. “Can I do anything at all to make you feel better?” she offered.
“I know this sounds weird, but well, my father is requesting you to come to the hospital with me, I don't know why, but by the sound of it, this is his final request,” I nervously explained to her, hoping that she will help me.
“Okay, then what are we waiting for?” Haylie said without even thinking about it.
“What about your appointment?” I reminded her.
“I'll still be back in time for it, remember I gain six hours when I go back to New York,” Haylie laughed.
Haylie stopped her packing and left the palace with me. I was so thankful for her to be in my life, and how she was more than willing to go to any lengths she can to help a friend. If there was ever a perfect example of what it was to be non-judgmental, and truly loving, with the exception of Jesus Christ, it would be Haylie.
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I know it's short but I think it's a little bit of a suspense chapter to what's next. -Holley